February 2024

February 21, 2024
How to Deploy Complex AV Solutions Across Nations?

How to Deploy Complex AV Solutions Across Nations?

In 2024, it’s much easier for companies to seek global opportunities beyond their native country. With the focus on remote working, global enterprises can now recruit people across nations, irrespective of their geographical locations. What’s more interesting is that globally, customers are also demanding the same quality of products or services from the company. As […]

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February 14, 2024
What Does it Take to Modernise Enterprise Meeting Spaces?

What Does it Take to Modernise Enterprise Meeting Spaces?

Meeting spaces facilitate collaboration and teamwork across the organization. But in this era of hybrid work, these meeting rooms need to incorporate a lot more than just a roundtable and a projector. As teams work from different locations and use different devices to interact and collaborate, meeting spaces must comprise interactive displays, video conferencing systems, intelligent speakers, […]

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February 7, 2024
Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

In the age of remote and hybrid working, video conferencing is now firmly established as the preferred mode to conduct business meetings. The question is whether video conferencing is designed just for meetings, or if it can offer more. In a changing work environment, video conference tools can offer a lot more including: In short, video conferencing […]

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February 1, 2024
Make Way for Cisco in the Meeting Room

Make Way for Cisco in the Meeting Room

Business meetings in 2024 are not what they used to be. As hybrid working continues to be a trend, organizations now need to enable high levels of flexibility in scheduling and conducting effective meetings. In the hybrid workplace, meeting experiences have become more complex and fragmented and business leaders know that this is hurting employee […]

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