May 2022

May 23, 2022
What Does an Employee Working from Home Need to Communicate and Collaborate?

What Does an Employee Working from Home Need to Communicate and Collaborate?

The age of hybrid work is here. Forward-thinking organizations know that some of the temporary shift to remote work is now more permanent. As such,  they now need to focus on creating a work environment that delivers a homogenous experience to both its remote and on-premise workers. For this, organizations must look at the working […]

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May 20, 2022
Top 3 Concerns Of CIOs When Employees Are Working From Home

Top 3 Concerns Of CIOs When Employees Are Working From Home

A little good comes out of everything – like acceptance of work from home came out of a pandemic. Global Workplace Analytics says that remote working has increased by 159% since 2009. Be it the flexibility of working without commuting or the comfort of working while spending time with families, 99% of employees would like to continue working […]

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