October 2022

October 26, 2022
How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

Presentations have become indispensable for sharing vital information at conferences or meetings. Their role in business, academics, research and education has been nothing short of transformative, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve made it easier to carry out fruitful virtual discussions and drive learning.  However, for presentations to succeed, they must espouse a strong narrative. […]

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October 19, 2022
The Growing Importance of Brand Storytelling and How AV Solutions Can Compel it

The Growing Importance of Brand Storytelling and How AV Solutions Can Compel it

In this digitally-driven culture, where the internet provides instant indulgence and convenience, human interaction is becoming much coveted and rare. In such a scenario, businesses cannot afford to be anonymous or unidentifiable. To thrive and survive, they must engage with audiences, touch their emotions, and connect with them at a more profound level. Brand storytelling […]

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October 12, 2022
The Key Role of Lighting in Employee Well-Being and Productivity

The Key Role of Lighting in Employee Well-Being and Productivity

To get the best out of their employees, employers must nurture a productive environment. In addition to the mainstream resources, certain (often overlooked) factors subconsciously drive motivation in the workers. One such striking factor is – Lighting. Everything from colour temperature to the type of light source that employees are regularly exposed to influences their […]

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October 5, 2022
5 Changes CEOs Will Have to Embrace to Make the Hybrid Workplace Work

5 Changes CEOs Will Have to Embrace to Make the Hybrid Workplace Work

What began as an immediate solution to a global pandemic has quickly transformed into the “new normal”. Offering a good mix of remote and onsite business models, hybrid work is now shaping the new culture at work. But the success of the hybrid work model depends largely on the CEO’s ability to enable seamless and […]

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