Classroom AV

June 13, 2024
Exploring The Past, Present, And Future Of Digital Classrooms

Exploring The Past, Present, And Future Of Digital Classrooms

While the term ‘digital classroom’ gained prominence during the pandemic, the use of digital aids to educate students has been shaping the educational landscape since the 1990s. Digital education began in the 1990s with e-learning. It broke the geographical barriers and empowered learners to use the Internet for learning. However, the impact was curtailed, as […]

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February 16, 2023
How Modern Educational Institutions are Inspiring, Informing, and Immersing Learners ?

How Modern Educational Institutions are Inspiring, Informing, and Immersing Learners ?

In the wake of the evolving needs of contemporary students and standards of global competition, education systems worldwide have experienced tremendous growth and change in the past few years. Modern educational institutions have tremendously supported the economy, causing the value of the Indian education sector to proliferate. As per Statista, the Indian education sector is […]

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