
June 17, 2024
Crafting a Seamless Hybrid Workplace

Crafting a Seamless Hybrid Workplace

According to Forbes, 12.7% of full-time employees worked from home in 2023, while 28.2% worked in the hybrid model. This suggests that the hybrid workplace is here to stay – and is not just a temporary arrangement. This “mix-and-match” approach delivers a lot of benefits both for employees and corporates. Higher worker productivity, work-life balance, […]

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June 13, 2024
Top 5 Drivers of ProAV Adoption in the Enterprise

Top 5 Drivers of ProAV Adoption in the Enterprise

The landscape of enterprise communication shifted dramatically. Clunky conference rooms and grainy video calls are things of the past. Companies are seriously tapping into the power of ProAV (Professional Audio Visual) to create immersive, interactive, and future-proof collaborative experiences. But what is driving this ProAV surge? Well, that’s what we will explore in this blog: […]

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