employee performance

March 7, 2022
The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

A hybrid workplace is the new normal for most companies now. Many people like it because it’s more convenient to work from home. It enables office goers to balance both their home commitments and priorities with those of their office. It’s also less stressful as it’s easier to work personal priorities into schedules. But this […]

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February 16, 2021
How AV Solutions impact Employee Productivity

How AV Solutions impact Employee Productivity

As workplaces slowly reopen, given that hybrid models will continue to prevail for a while yet, along with ensuring safety for their employees, organizations will also have to figure out how to enable and empower a scattered workforce.  The ‘New Normal’ requires workplaces that have improved connectivity and increased functionality. That is where modern audiovisual (AV) […]

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