
June 17, 2024
Crafting a Seamless Hybrid Workplace

Crafting a Seamless Hybrid Workplace

According to Forbes, 12.7% of full-time employees worked from home in 2023, while 28.2% worked in the hybrid model. This suggests that the hybrid workplace is here to stay – and is not just a temporary arrangement. This “mix-and-match” approach delivers a lot of benefits both for employees and corporates. Higher worker productivity, work-life balance, […]

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December 12, 2023
Workplace Experience Trends That Will Grab Headlines in 2024 (and Beyond)

Workplace Experience Trends That Will Grab Headlines in 2024 (and Beyond)

Also known as employee experience, workplace experience is now driving organizational success. Present-day CXOs understand the importance of enabling employee performance and empowering their well-being. As we move into 2024, the workplace experience continues to evolve with the latest trends in digitalization and digital transformation. According to Forbes, 47% of HR leaders prioritized employee experience […]

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November 22, 2023
5 Things Enterprises Can Do to Help Employee Performance and Productivity

5 Things Enterprises Can Do to Help Employee Performance and Productivity

Mr N Narayana Murthy, one of the most influential and defining names of the Indian technology landscape, recently suggested that Indian youngsters should work 70 hours a week if the country had to achieve the progress levels seen by some other nations. His statement got the internet talking and brought productivity under the scanner once […]

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October 12, 2022
The Key Role of Lighting in Employee Well-Being and Productivity

The Key Role of Lighting in Employee Well-Being and Productivity

To get the best out of their employees, employers must nurture a productive environment. In addition to the mainstream resources, certain (often overlooked) factors subconsciously drive motivation in the workers. One such striking factor is – Lighting. Everything from colour temperature to the type of light source that employees are regularly exposed to influences their […]

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October 5, 2022
5 Changes CEOs Will Have to Embrace to Make the Hybrid Workplace Work

5 Changes CEOs Will Have to Embrace to Make the Hybrid Workplace Work

What began as an immediate solution to a global pandemic has quickly transformed into the “new normal”. Offering a good mix of remote and onsite business models, hybrid work is now shaping the new culture at work. But the success of the hybrid work model depends largely on the CEO’s ability to enable seamless and […]

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September 27, 2022
Why Is Employee Training and Upskilling in Focus Across All Enterprises ?

Why Is Employee Training and Upskilling in Focus Across All Enterprises ?

It might seem counterproductive to focus on training and upskilling initiatives when organisations are fighting for survival and success in an extremely complex and competitive market. But in reality, when organisations are battling the skills gap and finding it hard to discover new talent, it is crucial to invest in the workforce to drive adaptability […]

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July 20, 2022
Tips on Propagating Corporate Culture in A Flexible Workplace

Tips on Propagating Corporate Culture in A Flexible Workplace

Call it the pandemic effect or an outcome of digital transformation — most workplaces have become more digital, immersive, agile, and flexible. A lot has changed in the last two years. As offices resume their operations, employees now highly prefer flexibility. In fact, a TeamLease survey suggests that almost 77% of organisations are now allowing employees to […]

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June 8, 2022
How employee engagement has changed in the hybrid workplace ?

How employee engagement has changed in the hybrid workplace ?

Hybrid workspaces offer flexibility to employees and employers alike. A hybrid workspace allows more autonomy and better work-life balance and keeps the employees more engaged. They are often more productive too. When offices are now preparing to bring their employees back to work in the office space and remain flexible at the same time, it […]

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May 20, 2022
Top 3 Concerns Of CIOs When Employees Are Working From Home

Top 3 Concerns Of CIOs When Employees Are Working From Home

A little good comes out of everything – like acceptance of work from home came out of a pandemic. Global Workplace Analytics says that remote working has increased by 159% since 2009. Be it the flexibility of working without commuting or the comfort of working while spending time with families, 99% of employees would like to continue working […]

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March 7, 2022
The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

A hybrid workplace is the new normal for most companies now. Many people like it because it’s more convenient to work from home. It enables office goers to balance both their home commitments and priorities with those of their office. It’s also less stressful as it’s easier to work personal priorities into schedules. But this […]

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May 4, 2021
The Employee Experience – Challenges, Opportunities, and the Powerful Role of AV Solutions

The Employee Experience – Challenges, Opportunities, and the Powerful Role of AV Solutions

Employee Experience is emerging as one of the most important drivers behind an engaged, connected, and motivated workforce. It’s a precursor to better performance and higher levels of productivity. Employees also feel more encouraged to stay in the organisation for longer. In turn, such a team creates better business outcomes. In the end, a happy […]

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