August 2022

August 26, 2022
AV Solutions for Modern Homes – Opportunities and Key Considerations

AV Solutions for Modern Homes – Opportunities and Key Considerations

Everyday life is getting smarter at an astounding pace. Smart home technology has now become a norm for many new homes in urban areas, including residential complexes in metro and tier-2 cities, and rightly so. And myriad smart home solutions are being rolled out for homes and offices, ranging from simple lights to smart cameras, […]

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August 10, 2022
What Being a Member of the PSNI Global Alliance Means to Us ?

What Being a Member of the PSNI Global Alliance Means to Us ?

Today, the world is a global marketplace, and exciting opportunities are created for organisations to reach global audiences. The current landscape allows industry leaders to recruit the best people, regardless of where they are located. Most importantly, customer enterprises are also global, demanding uniform levels of services and solutions across the world, irrespective of location. […]

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August 4, 2022
5 AV Product Innovations That Left a Profound Impact on the World of Enterprise AV Solutions

5 AV Product Innovations That Left a Profound Impact on the World of Enterprise AV Solutions

It has been a long journey from the days of choppy video calls to the present, where Zoom meets host more than dozens of people. The audio video industry has grown from enabling broadcasts to facilitating one-on-one communication to now fostering team collaboration in multiple sophisticated ways. Indeed, with comprehensive solutions that drive the hybrid […]

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