Blogs - Posted on August 26, 2022

AV Solutions for Modern Homes – Opportunities and Key Considerations

AV Solutions for Modern Homes – Opportunities and Key Considerations

Everyday life is getting smarter at an astounding pace. Smart home technology has now become a norm for many new homes in urban areas, including residential complexes in metro and tier-2 cities, and rightly so. And myriad smart home solutions are being rolled out for homes and offices, ranging from simple lights to smart cameras, voice assistants, security systems, etc. With a greater dependence on smart devices, the need for AV solutions has also increased manifold.

Analysis suggests that the Smart Home as a Service market will grow at a CAGR of 18.5% for the next four years, delivering real value to installers and homeowners alike. It is said to mark the next big step in the real estate industry, with AV solutions at heart. Thus, it’s essential to understand the feasibility, considerations, and opportunities associated with implementing AV solutions for modern homes.

AV Solution Implementation Considerations

1. Surveillance 

The first and foremost thing to consider is surveillance and security. One of the most obvious use cases for AV solutions is security. There are many ways in which an AV solution can be used for surveillance, ranging from alerts using simple occupancy sensors to smart home cameras, video surveillance and monitoring systems, etc. And a key consideration will have to be securing these systems from external hacks and intrusions too.

2. User Adoption

Smart doesn’t mean complicated. This applies to the AV solutions for smart homes as well. The AV solutions one chooses should be simple enough to be intuitive and easy to use, rather than cluttered with features that render them complicated. The idea is to select something that addresses convenience.

3. Low Maintenance

For AV solutions, users should always look for brands that provide after-sales support services because routine checks can avert potential failures and pitfalls down the line.  

4. Smart Connectivity

Connected AV solutions offer a clean and efficient system. It adapts well to the modern home aesthetics without the hassle of wires and cables. It can include hideaway enclosures, flat wall-plates, etc., that are convenient to use by the end-users.

5. Sustainability

Resource management is vital for the sustainable use of modern AV systems. Whichever AV solutions one uses should operate on low energy consumption and produce minimum waste. For example, a sensor-based lighting system exhibits automated control and ensures that the AV system is powered-off when the area is not in use.

How Can You Get Started?

AV solutions should be planned and designed before you start constructing or remodelling any space.

1. Install Wires During Construction or Remodelling Itself

You should prioritise centralised system installation to avoid the hassle of multiple wires and cables in the house. It includes everything from lighting systems to equipment control and even entertainment systems like home theatres.  

2. Get the Right Products

All the products to be chosen for the smart home should be compatible enough to connect through a centralised hub. It will minimise the effort in installing and maintaining the AV systems in the long run.  

3. Finalise Touch/Control Panels

Careful planning of touch panels and control systems is crucial for efficient output. They should be installed in convenient reach of the users. For example, wall plates or touch panels can be installed near the furniture so that the end-user doesn’t have to move around the house to operate the simplest of things.

What Type of AV Solutions Are Best Suited for Modern Homes?

Here are some suggestions on the must-have AV systems for your modern home. 

1. Home Theatres

An entertainment system is the most common AV system expected in a modern home. It serves people of all age groups. You can transform your family room and create an experience of a movie theatre right in the comfort of your home. 

Especially after the pandemic, these systems have experienced a surge in demand. Favourably, with electronics-grade video and audio systems, the home theatre experience has never been this immersive. The surround sound, LED display, Dolby audio, etc., make the experience cinematic.

2. Security Systems

As discussed before, integrated security systems are a must-have AV solution for the safety of your home and loved ones. You can install CCTV cameras and sensor-control alert systems as prompt measures against unexpected activities.

3. Integrated Equipment Control

Installing a centralised hub for equipment control is actually the first step toward designing a modern home. The whole idea of AV solutions is to be able to control your home appliances and systems using minimum touch points or even with mobile phones for remote accessibility. So, you should prioritise integrated system installation in your smart home for the best experience.

4. Automated Lighting

Lighting is a basic need. Often, we find ourselves in a situation where we forget to switch off the light. Automated lighting systems are the future of residential AV solutions. You can customise the lighting controls according to your preferences. You can choose from a variety of options, including automated on-off modes, touch panels, sensory systems, and more.  

5. Sensors

Sensors in a modern home can serve more than one purpose. You can install sensors for smoke detection, temperature, unexpected movements, light control, and more. Depending upon your requirements and preferences, you can choose from a variety of sensors for your home. 

How Can We Help?

If you are constructing or remodeling your space, we can help you with the multifunctional and versatile AV technology. You can even customise the AV solutions to fit the needs of your modern home. 

For one, we can help you with AV system design, planning, and implementation. Schedule a consultation with our experts and get the best advice for your smart home. 

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