June 2021

June 28, 2021
The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

As employees juggle communication devices, this juggling opens up vulnerabilities. The complexity carries the risk of potentially missing critical calls or messages. To thrive in the digital age, businesses now need unified communication. Organizations can no longer have employees tethered to their desks by wires or physical locations. Work is no longer confined to a […]

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June 19, 2021
The Next Academic Year Could Look Very Different for Educational Institutions

The Next Academic Year Could Look Very Different for Educational Institutions

Education is now a fundamental right, but the pandemic has thrown a wrench in the traditional ways of imparting knowledge. It has restructured the way educational institutions are delivering their lessons to their students. Due to social distancing rules, classrooms have become digital. Even examinations are being conducted online. This format will have to continue […]

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June 9, 2021
What Does It Take to Build and Sustain Strong Client Relationships?

What Does It Take to Build and Sustain Strong Client Relationships?

For long, it was felt that AV solutions were about the hardware. This often meant that companies thought in terms of transactions. They delivered the hardware and then moved on. Resurgent has always believed differently. Here, the conviction is that we can deliver tremendous value over the long term. We consciously try to look beyond […]

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June 7, 2021
Audio-Visual Solutions For The Contactless Enterprise

Audio-Visual Solutions For The Contactless Enterprise

As life gets back to normal post-COVID-19 and organizations plan to return to the office, businesses need to adapt to the latest safety guidelines related to occupancy, social distancing, and changing workplace designs to make the entire process seamless. The buzzword now is “The Contactless Enterprise”, a safe space where interactions happen at arm’s length […]

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June 3, 2021
Current and Future Unicorns – Innovate your AV Infrastructure

Current and Future Unicorns – Innovate your AV Infrastructure

According to a Credit Suisse Group AG report from last year, there are around 100 unicorns in India. Together, they have a combined market value of $240 billion. That includes sectors such as e-commerce, fintech, education, logistics, food delivery, and more. There are many more start-ups that are positioned to enter this group. 11 start-ups entered […]

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