Blogs - Posted on June 9, 2021

What Does It Take to Build and Sustain Strong Client Relationships?

What Does It Take to Build and Sustain Strong Client Relationships?

For long, it was felt that AV solutions were about the hardware. This often meant that companies thought in terms of transactions. They delivered the hardware and then moved on. Resurgent has always believed differently. Here, the conviction is that we can deliver tremendous value over the long term. We consciously try to look beyond the transaction, in the long term.

You can provide the best services in the world, but it won’t mean anything unless you know how to maintain healthy client relationships. Building on these can increase sales, reduce attrition, boost morale, and generate more business via word of mouth. If your company is looking for long-term success, customer relations is an essential skill and service plays a key role there. According to a study, 96% of customers say customer service plays a big role in building their loyalty towards a brand. How can a company build and sustain these relationships? Let’s explore.

Transparent Communication

Communication must be three things: timely, honest, and regular. All three elements must be at work for effectively communicating your thoughts and processes to your clients. If you don’t communicate at the right time, misunderstandings may arise. For example, if a client is expecting a particular AV set-up in their office, one can’t wait for the last moment to notify them of specification changes. Everything must be communicated at the time.

Being candid is also a good way to build trust and demonstrate integrity with your clients. Being honest about what can be delivered, expectations and challenges will strengthen long and healthy relationships. Your client will know that you take them seriously. Finally, regular communication is important to keep your client updated with all your happenings. That creates a feeling of goodwill.

Have An Open Mind

Projects evolve. It’s natural for your client to voice their opinions while work is going on. This could be anything, from the project’s timeline or certain design aspects. It’s recommended to have an open mind and listen to their suggestions and requests. Failing to do so may mean missing a crucial opportunity to build a more powerful solution. Keep in mind that the client respects your opinion and views you as the expert. That’s why they want to discuss these details with you. Also, remember that both of you have a shared end goal in mind.

That being said, always voice your true opinion about their suggestion. Don’t try to avoid conflict by humouring them or just agreeing with what they’re saying. That would be counterproductive and could spell disaster. Instead, listen to them calmy and take time to respond in a way that would ensure the best interests of all those involved are kept. This will cement your reputation as a serious and thoughtful company with a desire to excel.


There’s a difference between being positive and overconfident. When you’re positive, you’re ready to accept challenges and limitations but happy to suggest and execute solutions for the same. Overconfidence is blatantly ignoring any problematic situations and pretending everything is fine. Positivity plays a big role in managing stressful situations. Plus, it reassures clients that they’re working with experts who’ll get the work done and not buckle under the pressure.

Share Information

When you’re involved in highly technical work, your clients may not understand the nuances of it. That can make them feel disconnected from the project. Don’t hold back from explaining technical details in the right context. Share information about the project, describe how each element functions, and make your client truly a part of the process. That way, they’ll feel enriched after interacting with you and that itself would be a valuable experience. Sharing knowledge builds trust and confidence, too.

Understand Their Needs

At the beginning of a project, ensure you listen deeply to the issues your clients are facing. That way, you can respond with the most appropriate solutions. It is important to put in the effort to learn about their business and all its details as relevant to what you have to offer. Understand how the company functions and then provide your carefully considered opinion. It’s important to build the solution for the problem. Especially among tech experts, the temptation is always there to find a problem that suits the solution we have in hand!

If you’re able to listen and thoroughly analyse their situations, you’ll be able to systematically plan to exceed expectations. That will create a positive association and help you create long-lasting client relations.

Build A Genuine Bond

Your client isn’t merely a paycheck. Creating a more personal bond based on mutual respect and shared objectives will help in retention. Different industries and individuals call for varying degrees of informality. Do keep that in mind, as there’s nothing more embarrassing than overstepping boundaries. But if you want, you can ask general questions about family, health, or the news, to build a rapport and a sense of humanity between you and your client. This is especially helpful if you mostly interact with your clients via email – as that can be quite depersonalized.

Ask for Feedback

Throughout the process, ask your clients for their feedback. This can be about your understanding of their problems, operational processes, and your deliveries. This will help you improve your processes and will make the client feel like their opinion matters. That’s a powerful emotion. You can make this a two-way process and offer relevant feedback to your clients as well. That way, you’re both laying the foundation for a strong and long-lasting relationship.

Following these tips will help any company create bonds that will stand the test of time. Focus on this as much as delivering excellent work. Your clients will feel like they’re in the safest of hands.

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