October 2021

October 20, 2021
Today’s AV Solutions For High-Footfall Locations

Today’s AV Solutions For High-Footfall Locations

Last year high-footfall locations such as airports and shopping malls took a massive hit due to the pandemic. The retail industry in India, for instance, saw a 67% decline in footfalls. Even the staff had to be reduced to ensure social distancing. Airports had additional tasks too. Apart from the routine tasks, they had to guide the […]

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October 13, 2021
How Enterprises can Empower their Upskilling Strategies with AV

How Enterprises can Empower their Upskilling Strategies with AV

The 2018 Future of Jobs Report from the World Economic Forum predicted that disruptions in the labour market could lead to an erosion of 75 million jobs by 2025. The third and the latest edition of the Future of Jobs reports estimates that these disruptions will displace approximately 85 million jobs.  That’s quite a steep drop. The need to […]

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October 7, 2021
What our OEM Partnerships Mean to Us

What our OEM Partnerships Mean to Us

The importance of robust and advanced AV solutions is only rising in prominence especially as the hybrid workplace becomes an established reality. It’s clear now that the right AV solution design can act as the backbone of this new work environment, enabling collaboration and driving communication and innovation. Developing the right AV design to meet the needs […]

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