July 2023

July 27, 2023
4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

A 2023 survey revealed that 69% of employees prefer a hybrid working model. This only confirms the continuing importance of remote or hybrid work culture in organisations. As such, businesses require effective tools and platforms to enable greater collaboration and employee productivity in such a work setup. Of course, video conferencing stands out as the […]

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July 19, 2023
There’s a Customer Experience Revolution Underway Across Sectors in India

There’s a Customer Experience Revolution Underway Across Sectors in India

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo Around the globe, organisations are realising the benefits of improving their customer experience (CX). Buoyed by an array of digital technologies, business leaders are talking about the massive “opportunity” presented by CX initiatives – along with the “challenges” of delivering an […]

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July 12, 2023
The Values That Define a Surger

The Values That Define a Surger

According to a survey, 93% of executives believed and accepted that their company’s culture was value-driven. Some of the most frequently mentioned values were outcome-oriented, community-oriented, collaborative, and adaptable. The values of any organisation are formed right at the genesis. Management selects, accepts, and demonstrates the values that eventually become the culture of any organisation. After all, […]

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July 6, 2023
4 Impactful Uses of High-Quality Screens in Enterprises Today

4 Impactful Uses of High-Quality Screens in Enterprises Today

The global display market was worth $114.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $216.3 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 6.7%. This bodes well when we consider the increasing usage of high-quality screens across enterprise settings. To that end, this article explores the impactful uses of high-quality screens and how enterprises can go about […]

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