December 2023

December 27, 2023
5 Smart Ways to Improve Communications and Collaboration in Today’s Enterprises

5 Smart Ways to Improve Communications and Collaboration in Today’s Enterprises

Communication and collaboration failures can cause a ripple effect and impact every aspect of the business. Still wondering how big this problem is? Let us reflect: In a nutshell, working in a team, either small or extended, requires much more than hard work and personal chemistry. Whether it is about generating sales leads, developing a […]

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December 20, 2023
What it Took to Deliver 60+ Microsoft Teams Rooms to a Pharma Giant

What it Took to Deliver 60+ Microsoft Teams Rooms to a Pharma Giant

The hybrid world has completely transformed enterprise operating models. But establishing (and more importantly, maintaining) a hybrid workplace with seamless audio and video conferencing is a Herculean task that demands the guidance and support of a skilled implementation partner. A pharma giant realized this early on. With a massive workplace, the reality of hybrid work meant that […]

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December 12, 2023
Workplace Experience Trends That Will Grab Headlines in 2024 (and Beyond)

Workplace Experience Trends That Will Grab Headlines in 2024 (and Beyond)

Also known as employee experience, workplace experience is now driving organizational success. Present-day CXOs understand the importance of enabling employee performance and empowering their well-being. As we move into 2024, the workplace experience continues to evolve with the latest trends in digitalization and digital transformation. According to Forbes, 47% of HR leaders prioritized employee experience […]

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December 5, 2023
A Sound And Image Symphony – The Synergy Of Technology That Makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Work Amazingly

A Sound And Image Symphony – The Synergy Of Technology That Makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Work Amazingly

Hybrid mode is here to stay among all major employers but there is a new set of challenges that needs immediate attention. These cracks and complaints emerge as people working out of an office and those working remotely try to collaborate over meetings to get stuff done. Fragmented, inconsistent, and patchy experiences that create dissonance […]

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