September 2021

September 21, 2021
AV for employee engagement in the Hybrid workplace

AV for employee engagement in the Hybrid workplace

As the world gradually tries to return to normalcy and organizations prepare to welcome some or all the workforce back, it’s clear that “business as usual” will now happen from a hybrid workplace. More than 70% of workers want flexible work options to continue post-pandemic. Another survey reveals that a significant number of people would consider leaving the […]

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September 8, 2021
Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

The ferocity of the second wave made it clear that a full return to work is far from imminent. In fact, a recent Gartner report revealed that 74% of CFOs want to move employees operating remotely to permanent remote working. High-profile companies have announced remote working as the new norm and many are looking at establishing hybrid […]

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September 3, 2021
Happiness Is Our Goal!

Happiness Is Our Goal!

What is happiness? This is an age-old question. Philosophers say it’s the moral goal of life or an intellectual concern regarding existence and nature. Scientists declare it’s a release of chemicals triggered by biological, psychological, and social factors. Surgers affirm that happiness is working at Resurgent! All companies like to believe that their people like […]

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September 1, 2021
Is Video Conferencing Taking A Toll on Your Employees?

Is Video Conferencing Taking A Toll on Your Employees?

Recently, a study revealed that 82% of the 476 organizations interviewed use video for all or most meetings. 82% said that video usage continued to increase from end-2020 into 2021. Additionally, the future of the workplace is now hybrid. That means that video calls will remain an important part of the work landscape – whether for internal […]

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