Employee upskilling

January 31, 2024
Top 6 Employee Engagement Trends for 2024

Top 6 Employee Engagement Trends for 2024

In the era of the Great Resignation, employee engagement is becoming a favourite topic to discuss in HR circles. As hiring gets more expensive, employee retention is crucial for organizations looking to improve their workforce productivity and customer satisfaction. In 2023, employee turnover continued to be higher than normal. Over 50 million employees left their jobs across […]

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January 17, 2024
The Employee Upskilling Imperative (and How AV Solutions Can Help)

The Employee Upskilling Imperative (and How AV Solutions Can Help)

According to some studies, companies are annually spending over $800,000 looking for skilled employees. The growing skills gap is especially evident in the U.S. labour market in technology fields like Artificial Intelligence, data science, and cybersecurity. Similarly, a Deloitte report found that the manufacturing sector could have 2.4 million unfilled job positions by 2028. This carries a serious […]

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January 3, 2024
5 Budget Item Suggestions for Enterprise CIOs For 2024

5 Budget Item Suggestions for Enterprise CIOs For 2024

According to Forrester’s 2023 budget planning survey, over 84% of technology leaders expect an uptick in their technology budgets in 2024. So, where will this additional cash be allocated? Let’s delve into specific budget item suggestions enterprise CIOs should consider in 2024 and beyond. 5 Budget Items Enterprise CIOs Should Consider for 2024 1.      Interactive Employee […]

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September 27, 2022
Why Is Employee Training and Upskilling in Focus Across All Enterprises ?

Why Is Employee Training and Upskilling in Focus Across All Enterprises ?

It might seem counterproductive to focus on training and upskilling initiatives when organisations are fighting for survival and success in an extremely complex and competitive market. But in reality, when organisations are battling the skills gap and finding it hard to discover new talent, it is crucial to invest in the workforce to drive adaptability […]

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February 16, 2021
How AV Solutions impact Employee Productivity

How AV Solutions impact Employee Productivity

As workplaces slowly reopen, given that hybrid models will continue to prevail for a while yet, along with ensuring safety for their employees, organizations will also have to figure out how to enable and empower a scattered workforce.  The ‘New Normal’ requires workplaces that have improved connectivity and increased functionality. That is where modern audiovisual (AV) […]

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