Crestron flex

September 22, 2023
Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

As the business world navigates the challenges of staying connected and productive, video conferencing has become a vital communication tool. An integral aspect of unified communications, it gets teams together to collaborate on projects and stay up to date with the latest changes. But it doesn’t completely fill the face-to-face communication gap.  Read on as we […]

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August 24, 2023
Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

In a world striving toward digital transformation, technology is driving evolution at a rapid pace. One major change that is happening is in the workplace. Today, the workplace environment isn’t just limited to a specific office location. With the global workforce now enjoying the perks of a hybrid work model, companies are increasingly embracing unified communications but […]

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December 20, 2022
Our Prediction of The Top Enterprise AV Trends of 2023

Our Prediction of The Top Enterprise AV Trends of 2023

The enterprise AV industry is undergoing a transformational shift. The widespread and unstoppable growth of the hybrid workplace model has put the AV sector in the spotlight, with several forces driving its growth. As enterprises look to redefine how they connect teams, share ideas, improve workflows, and utilize spaces more efficiently, modern AV solutions are […]

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August 4, 2022
5 AV Product Innovations That Left a Profound Impact on the World of Enterprise AV Solutions

5 AV Product Innovations That Left a Profound Impact on the World of Enterprise AV Solutions

It has been a long journey from the days of choppy video calls to the present, where Zoom meets host more than dozens of people. The audio video industry has grown from enabling broadcasts to facilitating one-on-one communication to now fostering team collaboration in multiple sophisticated ways. Indeed, with comprehensive solutions that drive the hybrid […]

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June 3, 2022
Why improving the experience for remote employees shouldn’t be at the expense of those in the office ?

Why improving the experience for remote employees shouldn’t be at the expense of those in the office ?

The focus on employee experience has increased. More than 90% of employers are making employee experience a top priority in 2022 as we move into the Future of Work where hybrid and remote teams work together.  The focus on enhancing the employee experience of the remote worker has been quite prominent. Provisioning remote teams with the right […]

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April 20, 2022
A new type of smart digital signage

A new type of smart digital signage

Digital is everywhere. Whether in the form of smart televisions, advertisements, smartphones, or digital signage replacing static signages. Do you know that the market size of global digital signage is expected to reach USD 35.94 billion by 2026?      The digital signage market is growing and one driving factor is the fall in prices of hardware like LCD […]

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