
June 13, 2024
Top 5 Drivers of ProAV Adoption in the Enterprise

Top 5 Drivers of ProAV Adoption in the Enterprise

The landscape of enterprise communication shifted dramatically. Clunky conference rooms and grainy video calls are things of the past. Companies are seriously tapping into the power of ProAV (Professional Audio Visual) to create immersive, interactive, and future-proof collaborative experiences. But what is driving this ProAV surge? Well, that’s what we will explore in this blog: […]

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March 23, 2023
Why Enterprises Are Now Focusing on Employee Well-Being ?

Why Enterprises Are Now Focusing on Employee Well-Being ?

Successful organisations are made not just by the products or services they offer. They are a result of happy and motivated employees who work day in and day out to achieve business goals. But in the race to meet customer expectations and outdo the competition, most organisations ignore the importance of employee well-being. Thankfully, in today’s post-pandemic […]

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June 16, 2022
Digital Signage Trends in the Post-Pandemic World

Digital Signage Trends in the Post-Pandemic World

With the emergence of new technologies and the ever-increasing popularity of digital content, businesses are looking toward new approaches to engage customers in the post-pandemic world. In many ways, this is a new world. Organizations are trying to achieve more with less people. Support and administration tasks are staffed less than they used to be. […]

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April 27, 2022
5 Lessons for Indian Corporates from the Last 2 Years of the Pandemic

5 Lessons for Indian Corporates from the Last 2 Years of the Pandemic

“I think that this pandemic, in terms of implications, will be as big an event as World War II,” said former SBI chairman Rajnish Kumar in an interview with McKinsey back in July 2020.  The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was dying down, and luminaries like Kumar were already conscious of the “shift” that was on […]

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November 29, 2021
Some ways to enable and empower employee collaboration in the post-COVID world

Some ways to enable and empower employee collaboration in the post-COVID world

COVID-19 was a watershed moment in history that challenged society and its ways and signalled a major shift in business operations. Even those organizations that have once denounced remote work like Yahoo and HP had to enable remote work. As we move into the ‘next normal’ characterized by a hybrid work environment, we must take […]

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September 8, 2021
Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

The ferocity of the second wave made it clear that a full return to work is far from imminent. In fact, a recent Gartner report revealed that 74% of CFOs want to move employees operating remotely to permanent remote working. High-profile companies have announced remote working as the new norm and many are looking at establishing hybrid […]

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July 28, 2021
Emerging Use Cases for Digital Signage Solutions in The Post-Pandemic Enterprise

Emerging Use Cases for Digital Signage Solutions in The Post-Pandemic Enterprise

From schools to hospitals and office spaces – digital signage has come a long way. Many generations with increasingly sophisticated technology have emerged we have seen solutions evolve from simple LED screens into dynamic displays that can be transmitted across locations simultaneously. Currently, digital signages are interactive technologies that allow users to experience advertisements, product […]

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February 2, 2021
Staying Safe and Working Hard at Resurgent

Staying Safe and Working Hard at Resurgent

The Roman poet Virgil was quoted as saying that “The greatest wealth is health”. At Resurgent, we deeply believe this and try our level best to ensure our employees’ health, especially during such trying times. We’ve taken stringent measures and ensure that they’re followed – both inside the office and at project sites. By doing so, […]

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November 24, 2020
3 AV Solutions Your Remote Workforce Needs

3 AV Solutions Your Remote Workforce Needs

The COVID 19 pandemic has been an eye-opener for businesses across the world. It has shown how organizations must be prepared to be flexible with their operational policies and enable staff with the right tools and platforms to work remotely for long durations. Studies have shown that nearly 77% of leaders have never managed a fully remote […]

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