
AV communication's impact:
Key events and tech
for your business.



September 3, 2021
Happiness Is Our Goal!

Happiness Is Our Goal!

What is happiness? This is an age-old question. Philosophers say it’s the moral goal of life or an intellectual concern regarding existence and nature. Scientists declare it’s a release of chemicals triggered by biological, psychological, and social factors. Surgers affirm that happiness is working at Resurgent! All companies like to believe that their people like […]

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September 1, 2021
Is Video Conferencing Taking A Toll on Your Employees?

Is Video Conferencing Taking A Toll on Your Employees?

Recently, a study revealed that 82% of the 476 organizations interviewed use video for all or most meetings. 82% said that video usage continued to increase from end-2020 into 2021. Additionally, the future of the workplace is now hybrid. That means that video calls will remain an important part of the work landscape – whether for internal […]

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August 16, 2021
How to improve Collaboration using Interactive Displays ?

How to improve Collaboration using Interactive Displays ?

“The best teacher is very interactive.” While Gates was talking (probably) about how real teachers educate, there’s no reason to believe that interactivity cannot add value to interactions. In fact, interactive displays are gaining in popularity for just that reason. The market for large-format interactive displays (LFID) is projected to grow from USD 9 billion in […]

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August 8, 2021
5 Must knows about AV Solutions and why it matters ?

5 Must knows about AV Solutions and why it matters ?

The world that we knew has changed forever. With new protocols and rules of engagement in place, enterprises are readying themselves to move into the workplace of the future. The past year has been a test of resilience as organizations across industries struggled to ensure business continuity and keep the lights on. Technology emerged as […]

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July 28, 2021
Emerging Use Cases for Digital Signage Solutions in The Post-Pandemic Enterprise

Emerging Use Cases for Digital Signage Solutions in The Post-Pandemic Enterprise

From schools to hospitals and office spaces – digital signage has come a long way. Many generations with increasingly sophisticated technology have emerged we have seen solutions evolve from simple LED screens into dynamic displays that can be transmitted across locations simultaneously. Currently, digital signages are interactive technologies that allow users to experience advertisements, product […]

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July 16, 2021
How we transform careers every day at Resurgent

How we transform careers every day at Resurgent

Today organizations need to stay hyper-focused on delivering ever-better business outcomes to maintain their market position and stay ahead of the curve. While most organizations take carefully calibrated steps to drive this, we need to ask ourselves, how are the experiences of our internal customers, our employees? Isn’t that crucial, considering that they will be […]

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July 7, 2021
The Hybrid Workplace Will Have an AV Backbone

The Hybrid Workplace Will Have an AV Backbone

10 years ago, if you’d mentioned to anyone that the global corporate landscape would transition massively to hybrid workplaces with remote working, people would think you’re joking. Or being wishful. One thing they definitely wouldn’t call you is a visionary. Fair enough, as no one could have predicted a global pandemic. But as things are, […]

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June 28, 2021
The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

As employees juggle communication devices, this juggling opens up vulnerabilities. The complexity carries the risk of potentially missing critical calls or messages. To thrive in the digital age, businesses now need unified communication. Organizations can no longer have employees tethered to their desks by wires or physical locations. Work is no longer confined to a […]

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June 19, 2021
The Next Academic Year Could Look Very Different for Educational Institutions

The Next Academic Year Could Look Very Different for Educational Institutions

Education is now a fundamental right, but the pandemic has thrown a wrench in the traditional ways of imparting knowledge. It has restructured the way educational institutions are delivering their lessons to their students. Due to social distancing rules, classrooms have become digital. Even examinations are being conducted online. This format will have to continue […]

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