Blogs - Posted on July 16, 2021

How we transform careers every day at Resurgent

How we transform careers every day at Resurgent

Today organizations need to stay hyper-focused on delivering ever-better business outcomes to maintain their market position and stay ahead of the curve. While most organizations take carefully calibrated steps to drive this, we need to ask ourselves, how are the experiences of our internal customers, our employees? Isn’t that crucial, considering that they will be directly responsible for everything the company does?

The basic tenant of customer experience is to provide interactions and opportunities that matter. In the new age of employee experience, the focus is on delivering transformational opportunities for career growth. This is especially true in the technology space with its everchanging foundational underpinnings. Research shows that the millennial and Gen Z demographic make up most of the workforce. These groups care for and need organizational investment in career growth. This is what will drive employee engagement.Since the majority of the workforce consists of cutting-edge technologists, we focus on making sure we help them progress along their career paths and give them an exciting work environment to meet their intellectual and cerebral needs.

Here’s a look at how we transform careers every day at Resurgent

Interesting work opportunities

The AV industry is growing and changing at a phenomenal pace. The rise of digital solutions driven by the pandemic and the pursuant rise of the hybrid workplace are compelling organizations to look at their ageing AV infrastructures and replace them with cutting-edge, new-age technology.

This industry is also witnessing phenomenal technological progress as audio-video equipment and solutions and integrations become more sophisticated and advanced. Today AV tech becomes a key enabler of seamless enterprise communication and collaboration, and VoIP tech and Unified Communication (UC) becomes organizational mainstays.

With this ongoing AV revolution, we make sure that our employees get to work on cutting-edge, exciting AV projects and ensure that they remain at the forefront of this revolution. This includes focusing on relevant training, coaching, and mentoring by seniors, and certifications from our equipment partners.

Integrate passions and interests with work

All work and no play indeed make Jack a dull boy and Jill a dull girl.

At Resurgent we believe in encouraging employees to integrate their passions and interests with their work. Providing these opportunities and the autonomy to be creative with work keeps our employees engaged and creative.

We believe that individual uniqueness is essential for the greater good of the whole collective. As such, we ensure that along with technical skills, the crucial individual power skills are completely utilized by skill sharing, collaboration, and peer coaching. This enables the employees to become emotionally and mentally better equipped to address the needs of some of the top enterprises in India.

“Get-it-done” attitude and cross-functional collaboration

Given the nature of the AV industry and the sophistication of AV solutions mean exciting opportunities to work on client sites. Such assignments are common in the organization and our employees get to work across geographies and boundaries. The folks in the field have to be driven, self-sufficient, go-getters with clear task as well as goal orientation outlooks. It’s necessary for us to develop those attributes in our people.

These opportunities also mean that our engineers get to engage and work with people across different job profiles. On our part, it means we need to equip these people with the skills needed to make cross-functional collaboration work.

Knowing how every part interconnects with the other is critical to AV solution implementation.  Our engineers get a first-hand understanding of how things operate at the ground level and work hands-on with clients because of these off-site experiences. This on-job training and experience contribute immensely towards their careers by helping them gain a well-rounded and holistic approach towards solution design and implementation. Developing cross-functional operational knowledge adds to their technological capital and also makes their professional portfolio richer and more complete.

Opportunities to develop critical skills

The AV industry has new products and solutions emerging every day. Futuristic technologies such as AI, AR, and AVaaS are becoming the new frontier for this industry. Autonomous technologies are also creating a buzz in this industry, and we intend to become leaders in this area as well.

Our employee development plans are designed keeping these technological shifts in mind. Skill differentiation drives competitive differentiation. That apart, given the rise of the hybrid workplace, soft skills such as collaboration, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, empathy, etc. also become career contributors. These are skills that help employees progress across their professional paths and are equally essential for personal growth.

Our talent development plans adopt a holistic approach that helps our employees remain on the path of constant improvement and excellence. Whatever their challenge, we assume the responsibility of alleviating them by taking quantifiable measures.

In Conclusion

In essence, through formal and unstructured tactics and strategies, we help our employees progress steadfastly along their career paths. We don’t see these activities as yearly activities, but as a way of life at Resurgent. Our employees are never wanting for information or confused about what to do next. Continuous learning, encouragement to develop a growth mindset, and accessible leaders that allow them to leverage tribal knowledge make sure of that.

For us at Resurgent, delivering elevated employee experiences and employee engagement is a prerogative.  We do not pay mere lip service to the statement, “our employees are our most valuable assets”, but live it as a part of our organizational value system. As with any asset, taking care of what matters most to our employees is essential.

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