Zoom Rooms

September 22, 2023
Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

As the business world navigates the challenges of staying connected and productive, video conferencing has become a vital communication tool. An integral aspect of unified communications, it gets teams together to collaborate on projects and stay up to date with the latest changes. But it doesn’t completely fill the face-to-face communication gap.  Read on as we […]

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August 24, 2023
Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

In a world striving toward digital transformation, technology is driving evolution at a rapid pace. One major change that is happening is in the workplace. Today, the workplace environment isn’t just limited to a specific office location. With the global workforce now enjoying the perks of a hybrid work model, companies are increasingly embracing unified communications but […]

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July 27, 2023
4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

A 2023 survey revealed that 69% of employees prefer a hybrid working model. This only confirms the continuing importance of remote or hybrid work culture in organisations. As such, businesses require effective tools and platforms to enable greater collaboration and employee productivity in such a work setup. Of course, video conferencing stands out as the […]

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February 16, 2023
How Modern Educational Institutions are Inspiring, Informing, and Immersing Learners ?

How Modern Educational Institutions are Inspiring, Informing, and Immersing Learners ?

In the wake of the evolving needs of contemporary students and standards of global competition, education systems worldwide have experienced tremendous growth and change in the past few years. Modern educational institutions have tremendously supported the economy, causing the value of the Indian education sector to proliferate. As per Statista, the Indian education sector is […]

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January 20, 2023
The 5 Essentials of Conducting Effective Meetings

The 5 Essentials of Conducting Effective Meetings

Today’s global teams need to be able to collaborate anywhere. But with employees now working in a hybrid manner, conducting effective meetings is becoming a widespread issue. Although the new model offers high levels of flexibility to employees, ensuring hybrid collaboration is getting increasingly harder for business leaders. In most organisations, there is a growing imbalance […]

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October 26, 2022
How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

Presentations have become indispensable for sharing vital information at conferences or meetings. Their role in business, academics, research and education has been nothing short of transformative, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve made it easier to carry out fruitful virtual discussions and drive learning.  However, for presentations to succeed, they must espouse a strong narrative. […]

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September 30, 2022
How AV Solutions Are Helping Make Meetings More Effective and Meaningful

How AV Solutions Are Helping Make Meetings More Effective and Meaningful

Modern-day conference rooms have evolved significantly in the face of pandemic-induced disruptions. They have become more agile and flexible to accommodate the needs of the remote workforce. Meeting rooms, board rooms, and even break-out rooms have evolved into multi-functional spaces where people can do more than just sit and talk. Companies now equip them with advanced tech solutions to […]

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July 13, 2022
Why AV Systems Are Becoming Easier and Complex at The Same Time ?

Why AV Systems Are Becoming Easier and Complex at The Same Time ?

Audio-visual (AV) systems are signposts of digital innovation. These highly visible systems help streamline business operations while ensuring user-friendly options for collaboration and communication. Companies are already reaping numerous benefits from AV technology. From the healthcare industry to the IT sector, this technology furnishes seamless solutions for meetings, collaborative projects, customer interaction, and everything in […]

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June 3, 2022
Why improving the experience for remote employees shouldn’t be at the expense of those in the office ?

Why improving the experience for remote employees shouldn’t be at the expense of those in the office ?

The focus on employee experience has increased. More than 90% of employers are making employee experience a top priority in 2022 as we move into the Future of Work where hybrid and remote teams work together.  The focus on enhancing the employee experience of the remote worker has been quite prominent. Provisioning remote teams with the right […]

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May 23, 2022
What Does an Employee Working from Home Need to Communicate and Collaborate?

What Does an Employee Working from Home Need to Communicate and Collaborate?

The age of hybrid work is here. Forward-thinking organizations know that some of the temporary shift to remote work is now more permanent. As such,  they now need to focus on creating a work environment that delivers a homogenous experience to both its remote and on-premise workers. For this, organizations must look at the working […]

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March 28, 2022
Why Powerful MS Teams is More Than Product Licenses ?

Why Powerful MS Teams is More Than Product Licenses ?

If you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day but if you teach him how to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime. If you’re an enterprise using software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, that saying is true for you. In this context, you’re the man who needs to learn how to […]

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March 7, 2022
The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

A hybrid workplace is the new normal for most companies now. Many people like it because it’s more convenient to work from home. It enables office goers to balance both their home commitments and priorities with those of their office. It’s also less stressful as it’s easier to work personal priorities into schedules. But this […]

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December 2, 2021
The Ongoing Evolution In Enterprise Video Conferencing

The Ongoing Evolution In Enterprise Video Conferencing

Let’s get on a Zoom call or join the Microsoft Teams meeting – these are the common phrases that people use daily at work. Video conferencing has been around for years to connect and collaborate with team members from different geographies.  The first glimpse of video conferencing dates back to 1956, when AT&T developed a […]

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