
AV communication's impact:
Key events and tech
for your business.



February 2, 2021
Staying Safe and Working Hard at Resurgent

Staying Safe and Working Hard at Resurgent

The Roman poet Virgil was quoted as saying that “The greatest wealth is health”. At Resurgent, we deeply believe this and try our level best to ensure our employees’ health, especially during such trying times. We’ve taken stringent measures and ensure that they’re followed – both inside the office and at project sites. By doing so, […]

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January 22, 2021
Excellence in Audio Visual Project Implementation

Excellence in Audio Visual Project Implementation

If you’re an enterprise CIO, brand manager, IT engineer, facility manager, or Audio Visual (AV) professional – there will be a point in your career that you’ll have to successfully implement an audio-visual project. The way things are progressing as of now, we expect several other professions will expand their skillsets to accommodate AV expertise. […]

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January 19, 2021
How Customer Experience Centers Create Brand Perceptions ?

How Customer Experience Centers Create Brand Perceptions ?

Studies have shown that nearly 80% of consumers would want to do business with a brand that offers them personalized experiences. The very core of marketing and sales today is to create the most user-centric and elevated experience for every customer. Every year billions of dollars are spent on technology, advertising, and experience management by businesses globally. […]

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January 16, 2021
The Central Role of AV in The Age of Video Conference Enterprises

The Central Role of AV in The Age of Video Conference Enterprises

As organizations become increasingly global, the need to keep employees connected with each other is escalating. This is particularly rampant in the current pandemic era, with many businesses (as well as educational institutions) continuing to operate via remote work models for the general safety of their workforce as well as the community at large. When […]

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December 22, 2020
Why CEOs Care About AV Solutions ?

Why CEOs Care About AV Solutions ?

Leaders require the ability to communicate effectively without any barriers. This suggests the need to place special emphasis on ensuring that the AV solutions their enterprise uses are glitch-free and offer world-class features. This holds for every meeting or event that is organized by them for customers and employees. Enabling better synchronization between team members […]

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December 16, 2020
What Are Interactive Training Spaces?

What Are Interactive Training Spaces?

Gone are those days when training meant sitting in a room passively listening to the instructor. Corporate training was often one-way without active participation from the employees. Today’s training has fundamentally changed. It’s become more contextual, immersive, and interactive. Obviously, the training spaces have also evolved to become more engaging and active environments. In all […]

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December 5, 2020
How to Select the Right AV Integration Partner

How to Select the Right AV Integration Partner

From the days when AV (Audio-Video) meant Over Head Projectors and Multimedia projectors on a wheeled trolly to the transition where AV became an IT staple, corporate AV has come a long way. Today’s business environment demands integrated AV systems as much as they demand laptops and mobile phones. With the COVID-19 pandemic completely disrupting […]

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November 24, 2020
3 AV Solutions Your Remote Workforce Needs

3 AV Solutions Your Remote Workforce Needs

The COVID 19 pandemic has been an eye-opener for businesses across the world. It has shown how organizations must be prepared to be flexible with their operational policies and enable staff with the right tools and platforms to work remotely for long durations. Studies have shown that nearly 77% of leaders have never managed a fully remote […]

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November 13, 2020
Today’s Digital Workplace and the Central Role of AV

Today’s Digital Workplace and the Central Role of AV

Businesses across the world have long been toying with the thought of digitizing their workplaces in a bid to boost employee productivity as well as improve business agility and become more competitive. In a sense, this was a race to match the speed of digital transformation. However, it took the COVID-19 pandemic to push workplace […]

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