hybrid work

July 25, 2024
Employee Training And Upskilling Challenges In Hybrid Workplaces

Employee Training And Upskilling Challenges In Hybrid Workplaces

There’s no doubt that the pandemic changed the way we work. Hybrid structures are now common as businesses recognise cost savings and the positive impact on productivity and overall employee loyalty. However, to reap the benefits of a hybrid workplace like productivity and employee satisfaction, hybrid workplaces need to transform from within. Successful hybrid workplaces […]

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June 17, 2024
Crafting a Seamless Hybrid Workplace

Crafting a Seamless Hybrid Workplace

According to Forbes, 12.7% of full-time employees worked from home in 2023, while 28.2% worked in the hybrid model. This suggests that the hybrid workplace is here to stay – and is not just a temporary arrangement. This “mix-and-match” approach delivers a lot of benefits both for employees and corporates. Higher worker productivity, work-life balance, […]

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June 13, 2024
Top 5 Drivers of ProAV Adoption in the Enterprise

Top 5 Drivers of ProAV Adoption in the Enterprise

The landscape of enterprise communication shifted dramatically. Clunky conference rooms and grainy video calls are things of the past. Companies are seriously tapping into the power of ProAV (Professional Audio Visual) to create immersive, interactive, and future-proof collaborative experiences. But what is driving this ProAV surge? Well, that’s what we will explore in this blog: […]

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June 13, 2024
How to Achieve Human-centric Communications and Collaboration in Enterprises Today

How to Achieve Human-centric Communications and Collaboration in Enterprises Today

An Owl Labs survey confirms what most business leaders suspect – the way we work has fundamentally transformed. Out of the total workforce, 16% have transitioned to remote work, while 62% have opted for a hybrid approach. Only 22% of employees still exclusively work from a traditional office setting. These statistics only confirm that there […]

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May 27, 2024
Can AV Solutions Help Drive Equity and Inclusion in the Hybrid Workplace?     

Can AV Solutions Help Drive Equity and Inclusion in the Hybrid Workplace?     

In a vastly diverse country like India, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not simply another workforce mantra. DEI has the potential to help the Indian economy reach its $5 trillion mark by 2025. The latest workplace trends reflect this necessity: The rapid shift towards remote and hybrid working models is impacting DEI strategies in […]

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March 20, 2024
The Resurgent Approach to Project Success 

The Resurgent Approach to Project Success 

As our name indicates, Resurgent also means rising up. We see this as reflective of our goal to enable business transformation and renewal among our enterprise clients. We take on some of the most complex Pro AV projects out there and turn them into powerful engines of employee collaboration and communication. Our clients depend on […]

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February 7, 2024
Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

In the age of remote and hybrid working, video conferencing is now firmly established as the preferred mode to conduct business meetings. The question is whether video conferencing is designed just for meetings, or if it can offer more. In a changing work environment, video conference tools can offer a lot more including: In short, video conferencing […]

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January 24, 2024
What’s Behind the Growing Adoption of UCaaS

What’s Behind the Growing Adoption of UCaaS

As organizations continue to expand their geographical footprint, enterprise communication and collaboration across these boundaries have become extremely important. And while most organizations have invested in a plethora of communication tools, it’s undeniable that employees still complain of a lack of communication or poor collaboration. Siloed tools, rigid user interfaces, and the mere presence of […]

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January 17, 2024
The Employee Upskilling Imperative (and How AV Solutions Can Help)

The Employee Upskilling Imperative (and How AV Solutions Can Help)

According to some studies, companies are annually spending over $800,000 looking for skilled employees. The growing skills gap is especially evident in the U.S. labour market in technology fields like Artificial Intelligence, data science, and cybersecurity. Similarly, a Deloitte report found that the manufacturing sector could have 2.4 million unfilled job positions by 2028. This carries a serious […]

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January 3, 2024
5 Budget Item Suggestions for Enterprise CIOs For 2024

5 Budget Item Suggestions for Enterprise CIOs For 2024

According to Forrester’s 2023 budget planning survey, over 84% of technology leaders expect an uptick in their technology budgets in 2024. So, where will this additional cash be allocated? Let’s delve into specific budget item suggestions enterprise CIOs should consider in 2024 and beyond. 5 Budget Items Enterprise CIOs Should Consider for 2024 1.      Interactive Employee […]

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December 12, 2023
Workplace Experience Trends That Will Grab Headlines in 2024 (and Beyond)

Workplace Experience Trends That Will Grab Headlines in 2024 (and Beyond)

Also known as employee experience, workplace experience is now driving organizational success. Present-day CXOs understand the importance of enabling employee performance and empowering their well-being. As we move into 2024, the workplace experience continues to evolve with the latest trends in digitalization and digital transformation. According to Forbes, 47% of HR leaders prioritized employee experience […]

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December 5, 2023
A Sound And Image Symphony – The Synergy Of Technology That Makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Work Amazingly

A Sound And Image Symphony – The Synergy Of Technology That Makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Work Amazingly

Hybrid mode is here to stay among all major employers but there is a new set of challenges that needs immediate attention. These cracks and complaints emerge as people working out of an office and those working remotely try to collaborate over meetings to get stuff done. Fragmented, inconsistent, and patchy experiences that create dissonance […]

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November 9, 2023
Things That Have Changed in Meetings Due to Video Conferencing

Things That Have Changed in Meetings Due to Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is now the capstone holding today’s hybrid world of work together. The modern workplace has never evolved at the pace it has had since the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s workplace has to be dynamic and adaptable to remain agile and ensure business continuity in the face of increasing competition and disruption. Amongst other things […]

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October 11, 2023
The Changing Face of Board and Meeting Rooms (And the AV Dimension)

The Changing Face of Board and Meeting Rooms (And the AV Dimension)

The hybrid work model seemed like a quick and effective alternative to the traditional business model. No one ever imagined it would become mainstream. Now that it’s here to stay, businesses must ensure they have the tech, tools, and policies in place, especially as board and meeting rooms undergo a transformational shift.  Read on to […]

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September 19, 2023
Should CXOs Care About Digital Signage Solutions?

Should CXOs Care About Digital Signage Solutions?

CXOs oversee critical functions within a company and play a significant role in shaping its strategic direction. But the list of things they need to accomplish every single day is constantly growing. Not only do they need to build and oversee the overall vision for the company, but they also need to make major corporate […]

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August 16, 2023
The Leap Ahead from Microsoft Teams to Microsoft Teams Rooms

The Leap Ahead from Microsoft Teams to Microsoft Teams Rooms

Microsoft Teams is credited with being one of the most instrumental pillars in ensuring normalcy in the corporate world when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. From 20 million users in 2019, the global collaboration and communications platform had grown to over 280 million daily active users as of January 2023.  Now that the pandemic is well behind us, […]

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August 9, 2023
The “Power Skills” That Drive the Top AV Project Professionals

The “Power Skills” That Drive the Top AV Project Professionals

Successful audiovisual (AV) project implementation isn’t just about provisioning solutions with the most expensive products or the latest technology. It’s about the people who employ a human-centric approach to ensure that technology feels like an enabler and not a barrier in effective communication. That’s why we believe that it’s critical to engage skilled and competent AV […]

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March 17, 2023
The New Avatar of The Town Hall for The Age of Hybrid Work

The New Avatar of The Town Hall for The Age of Hybrid Work

As organisations get back to the office, it becomes clear that how we work together may have changed for the long term. As such, most businesses across industries are working resolutely to create the right technology infrastructure that augments and elevates interactions and engagement in this new world of work. With the hybrid work model […]

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January 20, 2023
The 5 Essentials of Conducting Effective Meetings

The 5 Essentials of Conducting Effective Meetings

Today’s global teams need to be able to collaborate anywhere. But with employees now working in a hybrid manner, conducting effective meetings is becoming a widespread issue. Although the new model offers high levels of flexibility to employees, ensuring hybrid collaboration is getting increasingly harder for business leaders. In most organisations, there is a growing imbalance […]

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December 27, 2022
The Future of Hybrid Meetings and the MS Teams Rooms Boost to Collaboration

The Future of Hybrid Meetings and the MS Teams Rooms Boost to Collaboration

The era of purely physical meetings is long gone! As organizations across the world get increasingly hybrid, they need to enable high levels of flexibility, so employees can collaborate from anywhere. But bridging the gap between in-person and remote attendees doesn’t come easy. Read on to learn how the hybrid workplace has changed the enterprise […]

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June 3, 2022
Why improving the experience for remote employees shouldn’t be at the expense of those in the office ?

Why improving the experience for remote employees shouldn’t be at the expense of those in the office ?

The focus on employee experience has increased. More than 90% of employers are making employee experience a top priority in 2022 as we move into the Future of Work where hybrid and remote teams work together.  The focus on enhancing the employee experience of the remote worker has been quite prominent. Provisioning remote teams with the right […]

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May 23, 2022
What Does an Employee Working from Home Need to Communicate and Collaborate?

What Does an Employee Working from Home Need to Communicate and Collaborate?

The age of hybrid work is here. Forward-thinking organizations know that some of the temporary shift to remote work is now more permanent. As such,  they now need to focus on creating a work environment that delivers a homogenous experience to both its remote and on-premise workers. For this, organizations must look at the working […]

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May 20, 2022
Top 3 Concerns Of CIOs When Employees Are Working From Home

Top 3 Concerns Of CIOs When Employees Are Working From Home

A little good comes out of everything – like acceptance of work from home came out of a pandemic. Global Workplace Analytics says that remote working has increased by 159% since 2009. Be it the flexibility of working without commuting or the comfort of working while spending time with families, 99% of employees would like to continue working […]

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April 27, 2022
5 Lessons for Indian Corporates from the Last 2 Years of the Pandemic

5 Lessons for Indian Corporates from the Last 2 Years of the Pandemic

“I think that this pandemic, in terms of implications, will be as big an event as World War II,” said former SBI chairman Rajnish Kumar in an interview with McKinsey back in July 2020.  The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic was dying down, and luminaries like Kumar were already conscious of the “shift” that was on […]

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March 7, 2022
The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

The Employee Experience Challenge in the Hybrid Workplace

A hybrid workplace is the new normal for most companies now. Many people like it because it’s more convenient to work from home. It enables office goers to balance both their home commitments and priorities with those of their office. It’s also less stressful as it’s easier to work personal priorities into schedules. But this […]

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December 22, 2021
Project Management lessons from managing complex, remote and multi-site projects

Project Management lessons from managing complex, remote and multi-site projects

The role of advanced audio-visual solutions in the enterprise is becoming increasingly important as we embrace the new world of work. This new workplace is characterized by hybrid and distributed teams where work happens in the most efficient, productive, and time-efficient manner. Collaboration and connectedness continue to drive innovation in a location-agnostic manner. Such a hybrid […]

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September 21, 2021
AV for employee engagement in the Hybrid workplace

AV for employee engagement in the Hybrid workplace

As the world gradually tries to return to normalcy and organizations prepare to welcome some or all the workforce back, it’s clear that “business as usual” will now happen from a hybrid workplace. More than 70% of workers want flexible work options to continue post-pandemic. Another survey reveals that a significant number of people would consider leaving the […]

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September 8, 2021
Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

The ferocity of the second wave made it clear that a full return to work is far from imminent. In fact, a recent Gartner report revealed that 74% of CFOs want to move employees operating remotely to permanent remote working. High-profile companies have announced remote working as the new norm and many are looking at establishing hybrid […]

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September 1, 2021
Is Video Conferencing Taking A Toll on Your Employees?

Is Video Conferencing Taking A Toll on Your Employees?

Recently, a study revealed that 82% of the 476 organizations interviewed use video for all or most meetings. 82% said that video usage continued to increase from end-2020 into 2021. Additionally, the future of the workplace is now hybrid. That means that video calls will remain an important part of the work landscape – whether for internal […]

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July 7, 2021
The Hybrid Workplace Will Have an AV Backbone

The Hybrid Workplace Will Have an AV Backbone

10 years ago, if you’d mentioned to anyone that the global corporate landscape would transition massively to hybrid workplaces with remote working, people would think you’re joking. Or being wishful. One thing they definitely wouldn’t call you is a visionary. Fair enough, as no one could have predicted a global pandemic. But as things are, […]

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June 28, 2021
The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

As employees juggle communication devices, this juggling opens up vulnerabilities. The complexity carries the risk of potentially missing critical calls or messages. To thrive in the digital age, businesses now need unified communication. Organizations can no longer have employees tethered to their desks by wires or physical locations. Work is no longer confined to a […]

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February 2, 2021
Staying Safe and Working Hard at Resurgent

Staying Safe and Working Hard at Resurgent

The Roman poet Virgil was quoted as saying that “The greatest wealth is health”. At Resurgent, we deeply believe this and try our level best to ensure our employees’ health, especially during such trying times. We’ve taken stringent measures and ensure that they’re followed – both inside the office and at project sites. By doing so, […]

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November 24, 2020
3 AV Solutions Your Remote Workforce Needs

3 AV Solutions Your Remote Workforce Needs

The COVID 19 pandemic has been an eye-opener for businesses across the world. It has shown how organizations must be prepared to be flexible with their operational policies and enable staff with the right tools and platforms to work remotely for long durations. Studies have shown that nearly 77% of leaders have never managed a fully remote […]

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