video conferencing

April 24, 2024
5 Suggestions for When You Upgrade Your Conference Room

5 Suggestions for When You Upgrade Your Conference Room

It should come as no surprise that 76% of professionals prefer face-to-face meetings to other forms of meetings. Around 83% of employees spend one-third of their work week attending meetings. Today with collaboration tools like MS Teams Rooms, it’s easier for companies to organize these meetings in quick time even with employees distributed across locations. Hence, more organizations […]

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February 14, 2024
What Does it Take to Modernise Enterprise Meeting Spaces?

What Does it Take to Modernise Enterprise Meeting Spaces?

Meeting spaces facilitate collaboration and teamwork across the organization. But in this era of hybrid work, these meeting rooms need to incorporate a lot more than just a roundtable and a projector. As teams work from different locations and use different devices to interact and collaborate, meeting spaces must comprise interactive displays, video conferencing systems, intelligent speakers, […]

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February 7, 2024
Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

In the age of remote and hybrid working, video conferencing is now firmly established as the preferred mode to conduct business meetings. The question is whether video conferencing is designed just for meetings, or if it can offer more. In a changing work environment, video conference tools can offer a lot more including: In short, video conferencing […]

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February 1, 2024
Make Way for Cisco in the Meeting Room

Make Way for Cisco in the Meeting Room

Business meetings in 2024 are not what they used to be. As hybrid working continues to be a trend, organizations now need to enable high levels of flexibility in scheduling and conducting effective meetings. In the hybrid workplace, meeting experiences have become more complex and fragmented and business leaders know that this is hurting employee […]

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December 5, 2023
A Sound And Image Symphony – The Synergy Of Technology That Makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Work Amazingly

A Sound And Image Symphony – The Synergy Of Technology That Makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Work Amazingly

Hybrid mode is here to stay among all major employers but there is a new set of challenges that needs immediate attention. These cracks and complaints emerge as people working out of an office and those working remotely try to collaborate over meetings to get stuff done. Fragmented, inconsistent, and patchy experiences that create dissonance […]

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November 9, 2023
Things That Have Changed in Meetings Due to Video Conferencing

Things That Have Changed in Meetings Due to Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is now the capstone holding today’s hybrid world of work together. The modern workplace has never evolved at the pace it has had since the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s workplace has to be dynamic and adaptable to remain agile and ensure business continuity in the face of increasing competition and disruption. Amongst other things […]

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October 17, 2023
Why I Am Very Confident the Pro AV Industry Is Poised for Growth!

Why I Am Very Confident the Pro AV Industry Is Poised for Growth!

In the past few years, economic conditions around the world have been extremely volatile. The pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the threat of an impending global recession — the environment has been quite turbulent.  While short-term economic weakness is inevitable, long-term prospects seems to be largely unaffected, especially in the APAC region. APAC seems to have the […]

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September 22, 2023
Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

As the business world navigates the challenges of staying connected and productive, video conferencing has become a vital communication tool. An integral aspect of unified communications, it gets teams together to collaborate on projects and stay up to date with the latest changes. But it doesn’t completely fill the face-to-face communication gap.  Read on as we […]

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August 24, 2023
Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

In a world striving toward digital transformation, technology is driving evolution at a rapid pace. One major change that is happening is in the workplace. Today, the workplace environment isn’t just limited to a specific office location. With the global workforce now enjoying the perks of a hybrid work model, companies are increasingly embracing unified communications but […]

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August 16, 2023
The Leap Ahead from Microsoft Teams to Microsoft Teams Rooms

The Leap Ahead from Microsoft Teams to Microsoft Teams Rooms

Microsoft Teams is credited with being one of the most instrumental pillars in ensuring normalcy in the corporate world when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. From 20 million users in 2019, the global collaboration and communications platform had grown to over 280 million daily active users as of January 2023.  Now that the pandemic is well behind us, […]

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July 27, 2023
4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

A 2023 survey revealed that 69% of employees prefer a hybrid working model. This only confirms the continuing importance of remote or hybrid work culture in organisations. As such, businesses require effective tools and platforms to enable greater collaboration and employee productivity in such a work setup. Of course, video conferencing stands out as the […]

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June 20, 2023
How AV Solutions Are Helping Transform Employee Training

How AV Solutions Are Helping Transform Employee Training

Traditionally, on-job training and shadowing have long been seen as the most immersive ways to train employees. However, as new technologies like Generative AI emerge and businesses transform, continuous employee training has become a norm for companies to keep pace with changes and stay relevant in a hyper-competitive environment.  According to a Korn Ferry study, […]

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June 15, 2023
What’s New in the World of Video Conferencing?

What’s New in the World of Video Conferencing?

According to Grand View Research, the video conferencing market, valued at USD 6.28 billion in 2021, will reach USD 19.73 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 12.5%. In recent years, video conferencing technologies have drastically evolved. From meeting rooms with individual cameras to live-streamed events, video communication is now easier and more accessible than ever before. […]

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December 27, 2022
The Future of Hybrid Meetings and the MS Teams Rooms Boost to Collaboration

The Future of Hybrid Meetings and the MS Teams Rooms Boost to Collaboration

The era of purely physical meetings is long gone! As organizations across the world get increasingly hybrid, they need to enable high levels of flexibility, so employees can collaborate from anywhere. But bridging the gap between in-person and remote attendees doesn’t come easy. Read on to learn how the hybrid workplace has changed the enterprise […]

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October 26, 2022
How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

Presentations have become indispensable for sharing vital information at conferences or meetings. Their role in business, academics, research and education has been nothing short of transformative, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve made it easier to carry out fruitful virtual discussions and drive learning.  However, for presentations to succeed, they must espouse a strong narrative. […]

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March 28, 2022
Why Powerful MS Teams is More Than Product Licenses ?

Why Powerful MS Teams is More Than Product Licenses ?

If you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day but if you teach him how to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime. If you’re an enterprise using software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, that saying is true for you. In this context, you’re the man who needs to learn how to […]

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September 8, 2021
Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

Board Room Meetings in the age of Travel Restrictions

The ferocity of the second wave made it clear that a full return to work is far from imminent. In fact, a recent Gartner report revealed that 74% of CFOs want to move employees operating remotely to permanent remote working. High-profile companies have announced remote working as the new norm and many are looking at establishing hybrid […]

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February 9, 2021
The Must-Haves in a Modern Digital Signage Solution

The Must-Haves in a Modern Digital Signage Solution

If you’ve ever been to an airport or, indeed any establishment with heavy footfall, you will have come across digital signage of some sort. Utilizing technologies like LCD, LED, or projection, digital signages are used to display content like digital images, videos, media, or information.  Digital signages are types of electronic signages that can offer […]

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January 16, 2021
The Central Role of AV in The Age of Video Conference Enterprises

The Central Role of AV in The Age of Video Conference Enterprises

As organizations become increasingly global, the need to keep employees connected with each other is escalating. This is particularly rampant in the current pandemic era, with many businesses (as well as educational institutions) continuing to operate via remote work models for the general safety of their workforce as well as the community at large. When […]

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October 17, 2019
Web Conferencing Vs Webcasting: Which Is Better For You?

Web Conferencing Vs Webcasting: Which Is Better For You?

In the modern collaborative era, just about everyone is familiar with web conferencing. Using your phone and content sharing software on your computer, you can share slides and screen shots and talk about them and edit them in real-time. For a small, geographically dispersed team looking to simulate face-to-face meetings and cooperation, web conferencing is […]

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