Blogs - Posted on August 11, 2020

Why Audiovisual Aids in the Classroom is Important

Why Audiovisual Aids in the Classroom is Important

Excellent teachers understand the importance of audio visual aids in the learning process. Audiovisual aids are teaching tools that educators use to complement their academic lessons. Examples of audiovisual aids include videos, music clips, flip charts, slideshow presentations, and overhead transparencies. Audiovisual aids should not be used as the only teaching method but should be incorporated periodically throughout lessons to provide extra information for students. Students catch on quickly when their teacher understands the importance of charts in the teaching and learning process.

Importance of Audio Visual Aids

The importance of audio visual aids is evident when it comes time to teach a new or abstract concept that may be difficult to picture or grasp. Audiovisual aids allow teachers to demonstrate things to students that, otherwise, may not be clearly conveyed. When you lecture to students on a new subject — like ringtail lemurs’ mating habits — you are limited to verbal descriptions. However, when you can demonstrate something through sight and sound, students pick up more information through the audiovisual experience. For instance, a film clip on ringtail lemurs’ mating habits gives students an academic experience they could not obtain from a lecture or a textbook.

Reaching Specific Learners

Students have different learning methods. Howard Gardner of Harvard University — who advanced the multiple intelligences theory, which suggests individuals learn things differently — identified seven learning styles: visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic and logical. While some students may learn more effectively through hands-on activities, others may learn through musical or visual responses. The importance of AV aids can be seen when classroom audiovisual tools allow musical learners to learn information in a way that stimulates their preferred learning style. Similarly, the importance of charts in the teaching and learning process is clear when introducing concepts to visual learners and students who are more quantitative than verbal.

Spicing Up the Curriculum

Experienced teachers have observed first hand the importance of AV aids in keeping students focused on the lesson. Audiovisual aids in the classroom add diversity to an instructor’s teaching method. Whether you teach a group of preschoolers or college students, incorporating audiovisual aids into your lessons helps you keep students’ attention. On the contrary, too much of one type of teaching method, whether it’s lecturing or discussion, can grow dull and cause students to lose interest in the material. Retention of information typically is greater when audiovisual aids complement or present information. Remembering the importance of charts in the teaching and learning process will create an active learning environment.

Promoting Clear Communication

By using audiovisual tools in the classroom, teachers show students how to communicate through various media. Students are introduced to the concept of conveying information creatively — which comes in handy when they must give presentations in class or later in their careers. Exposure to audiovisual aids in school teaches kids how to communicate through sight and sound, and to tie the things they see and hear together to understand an important message. Post reference :

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