
July 10, 2024
The AV Heart of the Most Successful Global Capability Centres in India

The AV Heart of the Most Successful Global Capability Centres in India

The fact that India is fast turning into an innovation hub of the world is no longer a murmur in most boardrooms across global corporates. Building on a strong foundation in technology outsourcing, the country is now witnessing the presence of major players who are eyeing it to fuel their next stage of growth. But […]

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May 15, 2024
Intelligent AV – The Coming of AI to the World of Enterprise AV

Intelligent AV – The Coming of AI to the World of Enterprise AV

Intelligent AV systems, incorporating AI, automation, and interconnectivity, now promise to revolutionize audio-visual experiences. They can automate tasks, personalize interactions, and enhance security. Valued at $4.01 billion in 2023 and projected to reach $9.94 billion by 2031, these systems offer benefits such as automated configurations, personalized experiences, and predictive maintenance. Despite challenges like integration complexities […]

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April 30, 2024
How Companies Can Prioritize Employee Well-being Today  ?

How Companies Can Prioritize Employee Well-being Today  ?

64% of employers are planning to augment their employee well-being programs in 2024. From an HR perspective, why is employee well-being critical for modern organizations? To start, work-related stress for the workforce is on the rise across domains. One-third of employees have suffered from some form of stress while at work. Besides, companies offering mental health support is […]

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April 10, 2024
Meeting Experience – What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Meeting Experience – What Is It and Why Is It Important?

In the current remote and mixed work environments, meetings have become crucial. They help people gather, share their thoughts, make decisions, and discuss topics in settings ranging from team huddles to executive sessions. Although we are experiencing an increase in technological advancements along with virtual interactions, some might consider the idea of a “meeting” old-fashioned. […]

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March 27, 2024
In The Spotlight – Lighting Challenges, Solutions, And Impact In Hybrid Workplaces

In The Spotlight – Lighting Challenges, Solutions, And Impact In Hybrid Workplaces

Have you ever wondered if you are talking to a blank screen when a person on the other side is only barely visible on the video call? Did you have to peer close to the computer or zoom in on the content to see what’s written because of shadows or reflections from inconveniently placed lighting? […]

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February 14, 2024
What Does it Take to Modernise Enterprise Meeting Spaces?

What Does it Take to Modernise Enterprise Meeting Spaces?

Meeting spaces facilitate collaboration and teamwork across the organization. But in this era of hybrid work, these meeting rooms need to incorporate a lot more than just a roundtable and a projector. As teams work from different locations and use different devices to interact and collaborate, meeting spaces must comprise interactive displays, video conferencing systems, intelligent speakers, […]

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February 7, 2024
Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

Video Conferences Are Not (Just) For Meetings

In the age of remote and hybrid working, video conferencing is now firmly established as the preferred mode to conduct business meetings. The question is whether video conferencing is designed just for meetings, or if it can offer more. In a changing work environment, video conference tools can offer a lot more including: In short, video conferencing […]

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February 1, 2024
Make Way for Cisco in the Meeting Room

Make Way for Cisco in the Meeting Room

Business meetings in 2024 are not what they used to be. As hybrid working continues to be a trend, organizations now need to enable high levels of flexibility in scheduling and conducting effective meetings. In the hybrid workplace, meeting experiences have become more complex and fragmented and business leaders know that this is hurting employee […]

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January 17, 2024
The Employee Upskilling Imperative (and How AV Solutions Can Help)

The Employee Upskilling Imperative (and How AV Solutions Can Help)

According to some studies, companies are annually spending over $800,000 looking for skilled employees. The growing skills gap is especially evident in the U.S. labour market in technology fields like Artificial Intelligence, data science, and cybersecurity. Similarly, a Deloitte report found that the manufacturing sector could have 2.4 million unfilled job positions by 2028. This carries a serious […]

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December 27, 2023
5 Smart Ways to Improve Communications and Collaboration in Today’s Enterprises

5 Smart Ways to Improve Communications and Collaboration in Today’s Enterprises

Communication and collaboration failures can cause a ripple effect and impact every aspect of the business. Still wondering how big this problem is? Let us reflect: In a nutshell, working in a team, either small or extended, requires much more than hard work and personal chemistry. Whether it is about generating sales leads, developing a […]

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November 22, 2023
5 Things Enterprises Can Do to Help Employee Performance and Productivity

5 Things Enterprises Can Do to Help Employee Performance and Productivity

Mr N Narayana Murthy, one of the most influential and defining names of the Indian technology landscape, recently suggested that Indian youngsters should work 70 hours a week if the country had to achieve the progress levels seen by some other nations. His statement got the internet talking and brought productivity under the scanner once […]

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November 16, 2023
Top predictions for enterprise AV for 2024

Top predictions for enterprise AV for 2024

2024 is right around the corner and corporate leaders are at the point in time when they need to make decisions on prioritizing investments for their business. It is especially important for businesses to decide how their workplaces will be equipped to handle the needs of their workforce in the coming year. In contrast to […]

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October 30, 2023
Top Sectors Where Video Walls Are Being Adopted

Top Sectors Where Video Walls Are Being Adopted

Video walls were once considered an attractive but expensive marketing or corporate office aesthetic element. But today, they have transitioned into an asset of strategic value for businesses of all sizes. From advertising to workforce training and collaboration, the use of video walls has increased tremendously over the past couple of years. It is estimated […]

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September 22, 2023
Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

Top 6 Things Your Employees Hate About Video Conferences (And How to Improve)

As the business world navigates the challenges of staying connected and productive, video conferencing has become a vital communication tool. An integral aspect of unified communications, it gets teams together to collaborate on projects and stay up to date with the latest changes. But it doesn’t completely fill the face-to-face communication gap.  Read on as we […]

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August 24, 2023
Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

Why Enterprises Are Embracing Unified Communications with a VC Heart ?

In a world striving toward digital transformation, technology is driving evolution at a rapid pace. One major change that is happening is in the workplace. Today, the workplace environment isn’t just limited to a specific office location. With the global workforce now enjoying the perks of a hybrid work model, companies are increasingly embracing unified communications but […]

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July 27, 2023
4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

4 Biggest Challenges Linked to Video Conferencing in Enterprises Today

A 2023 survey revealed that 69% of employees prefer a hybrid working model. This only confirms the continuing importance of remote or hybrid work culture in organisations. As such, businesses require effective tools and platforms to enable greater collaboration and employee productivity in such a work setup. Of course, video conferencing stands out as the […]

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July 12, 2023
The Values That Define a Surger

The Values That Define a Surger

According to a survey, 93% of executives believed and accepted that their company’s culture was value-driven. Some of the most frequently mentioned values were outcome-oriented, community-oriented, collaborative, and adaptable. The values of any organisation are formed right at the genesis. Management selects, accepts, and demonstrates the values that eventually become the culture of any organisation. After all, […]

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July 6, 2023
4 Impactful Uses of High-Quality Screens in Enterprises Today

4 Impactful Uses of High-Quality Screens in Enterprises Today

The global display market was worth $114.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $216.3 billion by 2031 at a CAGR of 6.7%. This bodes well when we consider the increasing usage of high-quality screens across enterprise settings. To that end, this article explores the impactful uses of high-quality screens and how enterprises can go about […]

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June 28, 2023
The AV Heart of NOCs and SOCs in Modern Enterprises

The AV Heart of NOCs and SOCs in Modern Enterprises

Given the current state of online threats, no business leader can underestimate the importance of cybersecurity. With the rapid evolution of the threat landscape, the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, and the increasing volume of alerts, curbing the looming threat has become more challenging than ever. To improve the pace and effectiveness of their incident response […]

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June 20, 2023
How AV Solutions Are Helping Transform Employee Training

How AV Solutions Are Helping Transform Employee Training

Traditionally, on-job training and shadowing have long been seen as the most immersive ways to train employees. However, as new technologies like Generative AI emerge and businesses transform, continuous employee training has become a norm for companies to keep pace with changes and stay relevant in a hyper-competitive environment.  According to a Korn Ferry study, […]

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May 17, 2023
Best Enterprise Video Call Practices for CXOs

Best Enterprise Video Call Practices for CXOs

Zippia reports that, as of 2023, a staggering 63% of high-growth companies have employed ‘productivity anywhere’ work models. The constantly expanding market for a hybrid model of offices, as well as the remarkable surge in ‘open-plan’ offices’ has changed how offices look. One key change is that enterprises are looking to optimise their office space in […]

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April 13, 2023
What Are the Essential Components of an “End-to-End AV Integration” Offering?

What Are the Essential Components of an “End-to-End AV Integration” Offering?

Although it’s been a little over three years since the business world moved to a hybrid model, enabling (and ensuring) seamless communication and collaboration is still a challenge for many. Despite massive investments in workforce productivity tools and AV solutions, not all meetings are effective, positive, or fruitful. And one of the main reasons for this is the […]

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April 8, 2023
What makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Different from Other VC Solutions?

What makes Microsoft Teams Rooms Different from Other VC Solutions?

In the era when physical presence in meetings is becoming increasingly optional, employee collaboration, technical efficiency, and flexibility are of utmost importance. Every organisation with a hybrid work arrangement aims to bridge the gap between remote and on-site employees. Microsoft Teams Rooms can help with just that.  What organisations often fail to understand is that […]

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March 23, 2023
Why Enterprises Are Now Focusing on Employee Well-Being ?

Why Enterprises Are Now Focusing on Employee Well-Being ?

Successful organisations are made not just by the products or services they offer. They are a result of happy and motivated employees who work day in and day out to achieve business goals. But in the race to meet customer expectations and outdo the competition, most organisations ignore the importance of employee well-being. Thankfully, in today’s post-pandemic […]

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February 9, 2023
What’s Working and What Isn’t in The Hybrid Workplace?

What’s Working and What Isn’t in The Hybrid Workplace?

It’s been three years since the pandemic completely changed how businesses operate and people live. How quickly time flies! As we reach the 3-year mark and the dust seems to settle, there’s a lot to look back on (and look forward to). The hybrid workplace model, which wasn’t even heard of prior to 2020, has […]

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January 20, 2023
The 5 Essentials of Conducting Effective Meetings

The 5 Essentials of Conducting Effective Meetings

Today’s global teams need to be able to collaborate anywhere. But with employees now working in a hybrid manner, conducting effective meetings is becoming a widespread issue. Although the new model offers high levels of flexibility to employees, ensuring hybrid collaboration is getting increasingly harder for business leaders. In most organisations, there is a growing imbalance […]

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December 27, 2022
The Future of Hybrid Meetings and the MS Teams Rooms Boost to Collaboration

The Future of Hybrid Meetings and the MS Teams Rooms Boost to Collaboration

The era of purely physical meetings is long gone! As organizations across the world get increasingly hybrid, they need to enable high levels of flexibility, so employees can collaborate from anywhere. But bridging the gap between in-person and remote attendees doesn’t come easy. Read on to learn how the hybrid workplace has changed the enterprise […]

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November 16, 2022
Happy Days Are Back Again for the Hospitality Sector – Here’s How to Cash In

Happy Days Are Back Again for the Hospitality Sector – Here’s How to Cash In

After two years of intermittent lockdowns and the accompanying revenue losses, the hospitality industry in India is springing back to life. As that happens, to ensure excellent delivery of services, leaders in the hospitality industry must take a hard look at the service experience that needs to be facilitated and accordingly evolve the existing service- […]

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October 26, 2022
How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

How to Make Presentations Less Boring?

Presentations have become indispensable for sharing vital information at conferences or meetings. Their role in business, academics, research and education has been nothing short of transformative, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve made it easier to carry out fruitful virtual discussions and drive learning.  However, for presentations to succeed, they must espouse a strong narrative. […]

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October 19, 2022
The Growing Importance of Brand Storytelling and How AV Solutions Can Compel it

The Growing Importance of Brand Storytelling and How AV Solutions Can Compel it

In this digitally-driven culture, where the internet provides instant indulgence and convenience, human interaction is becoming much coveted and rare. In such a scenario, businesses cannot afford to be anonymous or unidentifiable. To thrive and survive, they must engage with audiences, touch their emotions, and connect with them at a more profound level. Brand storytelling […]

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October 12, 2022
The Key Role of Lighting in Employee Well-Being and Productivity

The Key Role of Lighting in Employee Well-Being and Productivity

To get the best out of their employees, employers must nurture a productive environment. In addition to the mainstream resources, certain (often overlooked) factors subconsciously drive motivation in the workers. One such striking factor is – Lighting. Everything from colour temperature to the type of light source that employees are regularly exposed to influences their […]

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October 5, 2022
5 Changes CEOs Will Have to Embrace to Make the Hybrid Workplace Work

5 Changes CEOs Will Have to Embrace to Make the Hybrid Workplace Work

What began as an immediate solution to a global pandemic has quickly transformed into the “new normal”. Offering a good mix of remote and onsite business models, hybrid work is now shaping the new culture at work. But the success of the hybrid work model depends largely on the CEO’s ability to enable seamless and […]

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September 30, 2022
How AV Solutions Are Helping Make Meetings More Effective and Meaningful

How AV Solutions Are Helping Make Meetings More Effective and Meaningful

Modern-day conference rooms have evolved significantly in the face of pandemic-induced disruptions. They have become more agile and flexible to accommodate the needs of the remote workforce. Meeting rooms, board rooms, and even break-out rooms have evolved into multi-functional spaces where people can do more than just sit and talk. Companies now equip them with advanced tech solutions to […]

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July 26, 2022
Can AV Help Enterprises Achieve Sustainability Goals?

Can AV Help Enterprises Achieve Sustainability Goals?

In the light of global warming, there is a growing need for enterprises to build sustainable workplaces, and AV or audio-visual technologies can help realize that.  AV designers and integrators help specify unique, sustainable products for use in the corporate, retail, education, and even public sector. They provide suitable recommendations on the lighting, control systems, speakers, display solutions, […]

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March 10, 2022
A Look at How Work Flows in The Digital Enterprise

A Look at How Work Flows in The Digital Enterprise

Enterprises want one thing more than ever today, and that’s to create seamless digital working processes. To achieve this, they use integrated systems and automation to drive productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Audio-visual components play a large role in these processes, too. In this blog, let’s take a look at digital workflows. We’ll also take a […]

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December 27, 2021
The Conference Room Just Became Much More Agile and Flexible

The Conference Room Just Became Much More Agile and Flexible

Whether it’s a meeting room, a break-out space, or a board room – the modern-day conference room has evolved to become an interesting space. It’s no longer a plain and simple room where people sit and talk. There are a host of different features that enhance the experience of those working within. How have these […]

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August 16, 2021
How to improve Collaboration using Interactive Displays ?

How to improve Collaboration using Interactive Displays ?

“The best teacher is very interactive.” While Gates was talking (probably) about how real teachers educate, there’s no reason to believe that interactivity cannot add value to interactions. In fact, interactive displays are gaining in popularity for just that reason. The market for large-format interactive displays (LFID) is projected to grow from USD 9 billion in […]

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June 28, 2021
The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

The Secret to Achieving Seamless Unified Communications in the Enterprise

As employees juggle communication devices, this juggling opens up vulnerabilities. The complexity carries the risk of potentially missing critical calls or messages. To thrive in the digital age, businesses now need unified communication. Organizations can no longer have employees tethered to their desks by wires or physical locations. Work is no longer confined to a […]

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April 20, 2021
The Role of AV Solutions in Critical Control Centres

The Role of AV Solutions in Critical Control Centres

It’s paramount to equip critical control rooms with the right technology. After all, these are the nerve centres of security and business operations. Critical Control Centres are used by both government and private entities to monitor extremely important processes and information. Often, these rooms are kept in operation for the entire day on 24/7 basis. […]

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November 21, 2019
How To Choose The Right Display For Your Meeting Room!

How To Choose The Right Display For Your Meeting Room!

If you’ve ever been forced to sit so close to a large display that you can’t take in the entire view, you know that size matters. A display that is too small for the room isn’t any better. In conference and meeting spaces, one size doesn’t fit all. The size of the room and how […]

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