Blogs - Posted on October 30, 2023

Top Sectors Where Video Walls Are Being Adopted

Top Sectors Where Video Walls Are Being Adopted

Video walls were once considered an attractive but expensive marketing or corporate office aesthetic element. But today, they have transitioned into an asset of strategic value for businesses of all sizes. From advertising to workforce training and collaboration, the use of video walls has increased tremendously over the past couple of years. It is estimated that the global market for LED video walls will surpass $47.5 billion by 2030.

Providing a better visual quality and interactive experience are the primary reasons why video walls are experiencing accelerated demand today. Almost all major collaboration and communication software in use today have built-in configurations to leverage a video wall. This allows for flexible content management and information delivery across video walls placed either within an office or in remote environments.

Where Are Video Walls Finding More Takers Today?

Let us explore the top sectors here video walls are finding increased patronage today:

Corporate Offices

Corporate offices are the most demanding spots for video wall adoption. From entrance lobbies to presentation rooms and internal auditoriums, the venues for the use of video walls are plenty. 

Video walls can be leveraged for a variety of purposes within the office. They could serve as a branding or educational element for internal office affairs and management purposes. Or, they could serve as a tool to deploy content to impress visitors to the office who may be clients or other important official delegates.

For example, they could be used at the entrance lobby to project information about the business and serve as an aesthetic branding element. They could be used across work floors in smaller sizes to educate and engage employees with informative content. 

Besides, video walls can be installed in meeting rooms to project more visually engaging and interactive content to impress business stakeholders. Having a dedicated meeting room with video walls integrated into the company’s official collaboration tool, like MS Teams, holds immense potential. This way, team meetings can become more interactive and engaging. 

Video walls with touchscreen capabilities offer a spectacular interaction channel for high-level meetings with top decision-makers. They can help project dynamic content such as sales reports, incident analysis, etc.

Digital Signages

Tech conferences to mall attractions — digital signage has a lot of potential today. From guiding visitors or customers through an arena to educating visitors with insights, the possibilities are nearly limitless. 

However, traditional digital signboards lack aesthetic appeal and offer poor visual quality that may impact the content delivered. Consumers today expect a seamless flow of visual information across such signages. And this is exactly one of the major reasons why LED or LCD video walls are taking over the world of digital signage

Trade shows, concerts, and conferences of all sizes are using video walls to project both live and recorded content to audiences. Video walls of varying sizes are installed at these venues to help serve specific content targeting different users.

Advertisement Billboards

In every major city, it is certain that you will at some point notice dynamic ad content being shown on video walls installed on building facades. Video walls provide a canvas for advertisers to deploy creative content that helps in faster conversions. While roadside video walls are just a new entrant, there is rapid adoption of video walls in mall advertising. 

Shopping malls or centres are a hotspot for advertisers to connect directly with customers and instantly make conversions. Video walls in multiple sizes allow advertisers to launch creative video campaigns to support stores in the mall, sales events, special events, and much more.

Video walls also provide an excellent opportunity for mall owners to monetise their empty walls by providing a dynamic advertising canvas. Rates could be decided based on popularity at different spots within the mall. For example, video walls closer to a hypermarket get a lot of traffic compared to the ones near a premium brand store. Again, rates could be decided based on projected footfalls.

Security Monitoring

Giant video walls with multiple screens play a significant role in security operations centres worldwide. From monitoring cyber attacks on major software deployments to observing road and traffic situations in city administration centres, the possibilities are manifold. 

Video walls offer real-time visual feeds that help security personnel stay alert and vigilant about any events. They can easily use the information to coordinate any support initiative in the event of security fallout.

Modern tech companies often have dedicated Security Operations Centres (SoCs) to support and manage large software deployments at client locations. Video walls help large teams to work seamlessly together in a single spot with no confusion. Incidents can be identified and resolved immediately with joint effort thanks to centralised visibility courtesy of video walls.

Final Thoughts

Video walls are fast becoming a de-facto communication and collaboration asset for companies of all sizes in multiple sectors. 

What businesses need to make sure is that they invest in the right video wall solutions that are scalable and supportive of integrations with modern business tools. This is where an experienced AV partner like Resurgent can be your competitive advantage. Connect with us today to learn more.

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