Blogs - Posted on May 15, 2021

Connect, Engage and Succeed- Resurgent Way

Connect, Engage and Succeed- Resurgent Way

For Resurgent, this is not just an empty motto, but the mantra for our customer success over the last 13 years. Since 2008 we have believed in growing the relevance of our solutions for the enterprises of the “digital era” and made that the key for our success.

Most now know that we combine the best of innovative technology, powerful solution expertise, and a portfolio of expert services to create immersive experiences for our corporate customers. Since even before the age of digital communication dawned upon us, Resurgent has been in the business of transforming the way business executives communicate with each other and with their customers.Resurgent’s organizational culture is exemplified by the words of our financial analyst, Pulla Reddy who defines our “customer-centric” approach as “connecting with the client to understand the core needs and delivering service based on this engagement.” He adds, “we collaborate to bring the right delivery to our clients.”

At the heart of all our efforts and strategies is the exhortation to “Connect, Engage, Succeed”.

What does the “Connect, Engage, Succeed” motto mean for this company? Let us take a deeper look.

Connect – For Sharing Ideas and Knowledge

Surely the right technology has a role to play in today’s “digital connect”. How does Resurgent enable this part?

As our co-founder P.N Bopanna had said in an interview, this is not just about the “advancement of the Audio-Visual technologies,” but the “dire need to integrate these technologies to deliver a rich human connect experience.” In other words, the “Connect” element through AV integration is what brings a superior experience for employees and customers of our clients and helps them to grow their business.

Here is how Resurgent’s solutions enable a seamless connect between the corporate brand and its employees and customers:

  • A multi-sensory experience for end-users.
  • Customized AV solutions based on communication needs that vary between CEO addresses, town hall meetings, or digital workplaces.
  • Competent technology team with over 180 years of industry experience.

Even beyond technology, Resurgent has focused its energies on “connecting” various stakeholders including the audio-visual solution team, IT professionals, and business managers. Clear collaboration among all involved parties helps to set up a solid understanding of what everyone needs to achieve the desired outcome so progress is based on a shared understanding of what is required.

Engage – For User-Friendly Solutions

Engagement is a mutual linkage. This linkage is usually driven by the faith that there is value to building and maintaining this relationship. In the context of business solutions, engagement is driven by the need to consume information, solutions, and advice that is obviously helpful.

The “Engage” component is driven by the principle that even innovative technology will be adopted only if it is easy to use (or user-friendly). For instance, a hi-tech projector that can only be operated by an IT engineer has limited usability. At Resurgent, we spend a lot of time and energy creating the ecosystem that ensures our customers leverage the full potential and benefits of our solutions.

Madhusudhan V.C, AVP of Customer Achievement, ties his thinking into our engagement mantra perfectly by talking about a “team-oriented approach to our solutions” that “engages the client at every step of the way, right from understanding their needs to training their users. We always look forward to when they come back to us.”

Here is how Resurgent enables high engagement through its solutions:

  • Cost-effective AV solutions customized for each client need.
  • Training programs for customers to know how to use our products.
  • Use of innovative technology like Artificial Intelligence, Internet-of-Things, and Machine learning for enhancing utility in AV solutions.
  • Implementation of nearly 3,000 business solutions.

Succeed – in the Competitive AV Industry

We believe our success comes from enabling our client’s success. We do that by delivering them the most appropriate solutions for their needs.

Our co-founder Sanjeev says, “We prioritize a customer-centric view before looking at any service.” He also talks about offering services that focus on “what our customer needs, instead of just pushing our products or services.” In a similar vein, project controller, Umashankar talks about Resurgent having a “personalized interactive approach to the client,” along with “up-gradation of knowledge in all verticals” that helps them engage and respond proactively with clients.

In terms of the projects we deliver, we go through the following steps:

  • Identifying client requirements.
  • Initiating the required systems and processes.
  • Identifying the right technology product for the recommended solution.
  • Delivering quality solutions measured through business metrics aimed at improving efficiency, increasing profits, and reducing waste.

And we enable customer success because our project design and delivery processes include:

  • Freedom to innovate for Resurgent product team to design creative solutions in AV technologies for customers.
  • The latest updates in product designs add to the customer value.
  • AV technology-enabled corporate brand stories that are engaging for the intended audience.

But it’s not only about being customer-focused!

We don’t want to leave you with the impression that our motto applies only to the interactions we have with customers. This is a part of our corporate culture too. In fact, inculcating and practicing a culture of happiness based on healthy connections, empowered engagement, and goal focus are central to the good experience within team Resurgent. We believe that if Surgers have a good experience in the company with then they automatically extend that experience to our clients. It’s “Connect, Engage, Succeed” all over again.


Over 13 years, our customer base has grown to over 120 clients in India and across the globe. Our holistic approach towards AV technologies and solutions that are designed for each customer’s needs has helped us cement our place in this space. By innovating and integrating customized AV solutions, we enable our customer’s success through effective collaboration, deeper relationships, and great project outcomes. And it’s all linked to our motto to “Connect, Engage, Succeed”.

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