Blogs - Posted on September 6, 2023

The Many Applications of Digital Signage Solutions in India’s Bustling Healthcare Sector

The Many Applications of Digital Signage Solutions in India’s Bustling Healthcare Sector

According to NITI Aayog, India’s healthcare industry is growing at a healthy CAGR of 22% since 2016. Overall, the industry is valued at around $372 billion (as of 2022). 

However, the adoption of digital healthcare solutions is still in its nascent phase. This presents a massive market opportunity for healthcare solution providers to leverage technology to improve medical care across the country. It’s been proven in the developed markets that such solutions can improve everything from standards of care to the patient experience and business outcomes.

Globally, CIOs in the healthcare sectors have cited the following reasons to increase their investments in digital solutions:

  • Growing demand for improved patient care
  • High cost of healthcare services
  • Data security from cyber threats
  • Shortage of healthcare personnel

It’s no different in the Indian sector. Today, digital signage solutions are gaining a foothold in India’s healthcare industry, and for all the right reasons.

The Growing Emphasis on Customer Experience (CX) in India’s Healthcare

A recent Deloitte study found that only 34% of patients feel that they receive the information they need. Further, 56% of patients do not receive the same quality of medical care in “virtual” settings as in “in-person” settings. 

Similarly, Accenture has reported that 67% of patients have had to endure a “negative” healthcare experience. The 2021 “Consumers Trends” report from Press Ganey found that patients are 2.2x more likely to rely on digital resources (than on referrals) when choosing a healthcare service provider. 70.8% of patients rate “customer service”, while 63.4% of patients rate “communication” as more important than “bedside manners.”

The healthcare sector in India can benefit from a customer experience revolution. The good news is that more healthcare companies are realising the importance of delivering an exceptional CX.

In the consumer-centric healthcare model, digital signage solutions can improve CX by optimising the use of available manpower and accelerating the delivery of healthcare services. Here are 5 applications of digital signage solutions in the healthcare industry:

1. Hospital Interiors and Exteriors

A study published in the National Library of Medicine once found that inefficient wayfinding costs hospitals around $220,000 each year. Without an efficient wayfinding solution, patients are often late for doctor’s appointments or even for a surgical operation.

Favourably, digital signage solutions enable customers to easily navigate the hospital’s outdoor area and interior space. For instance, outdoor digital signage can direct them from the parking space to the main entrance (or department). This is crucial for visitors to save time during a medical emergency.

Similarly, interior signages in large hospitals enable visitors to find the right medical department along with the best route to reach there on time. Digital door signs can be easily installed at reception desks and high-traffic areas within the hospital premises.

2. Digital Advertising

The latest studies find that 52% of customers obtain health-related information from digital signages. Further, 75% of digital signage viewers can recall at least one message. This means hospitals can effectively market their services through digital signage as the communication channel. Besides, even private clinics have increased their business by 15% to 150% by using digital displays.

When placed in a high-traffic area (like the reception area or hospital lobby), healthcare companies can advertise their products & services to a wider audience. Among other effective means, they can “rent out” their advertising space to affiliate partners, including health insurance providers or pharmacies.

3. Waiting Rooms

On average, the waiting time for patients in government-owned hospitals is 20.3 minutes, and 15.5 minutes in private hospitals.

Most patients experience stress and anxiety when visiting a hospital or healthcare clinic. A positive “welcome” sign in the waiting room can elevate the patient’s experience and reduce their stress. Healthcare facilities can engage their waiting patients by displaying a host of health-related tips, yoga practices, positive customer reviews, and relaxation tips.

Additionally, visuals that show peace and calmness (for example, nature or wildlife) can help patients suffering from nosocomephobia (or fear of hospitals). Besides, digital signage in waiting rooms can display the approximate waiting time for each patient. This can help in reducing negative emotions and improving transparency.

4. Patient Communication

By regularly communicating with their patients, healthcare companies can improve the patient experience. Digital signages are helpful in communicating with patients across multiple information scenarios:

  • Playing informational videos about the latest medical equipment and procedures
  • Informing them about the working hours, schedule, and contact information of doctors and medical specialists
  • Providing them with information about the latest treatment methods and safety measures
  • Notifying patients of upcoming events like health check-ups, healthcare seminars, and welfare events

5. Patient’s Check-in Process

Besides helping patients find their way around hospital premises, self-service kiosks can enable a quicker “check-in” process for patients. A digital signage kiosk encourages patients to perform the check-in themselves instead of waiting for the hospital’s official personnel. Healthcare companies can implement self-service kiosks by integrating their digital signage solution with their “appointment and queue management” solution.

Additionally, through self-performed check-ins, patients can proactively check their doctor’s next available slot and schedule their appointments. This process reduces the hospital’s dependence on internal staff for manual tasks like appointment scheduling and patient check-ins.

How Digital Signage Solutions from Resurgent Can Help

With the proliferation of digital technologies, Indian patients now expect healthcare brands to provide personalised care and experiences. Digital signage in healthcare facilities can elevate the customer experience and ensure a competitive advantage.

Resurgent has worked closely with India’s healthcare companies to boost their patient engagement and services. Our digital signage solutions are easy to install in reception and waiting facilities and allow for:

  • Customised messages along with the ability to add rich text, web pages, and MS PowerPoint presentations
  • Easy configuration of the timing and duration of the digital signage message
  • Easy wayfinding across the hospital premises
  • Real-time data monitoring

With our digital signage solutions, you can reach out to your target audience at the right time and place. Want to know more? Book a free consultation today.

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